When we date back to 1991, and the advent of the internet as well as web hosting and viewing web pages, it was only the rich people who could afford to use such services. Or so it was thought. Most of the time, it was related only to large business organizations and those few people who could shell out a lot of money for such services.
How did it change? It was all about evolution, and the internet and the World Wide Web grew every day. This industry is the only industry that was able to connect the world in an instant. It is the industry that allowed the hosting of free email services, instant messaging and also company web sites for business purposes.
Each day, the field was explored to make things less complex. Right from server space to data base management, there has been evolution. As the potential grew each day, more companies sprouted that offered web hosting services. Now it was all about who offered the best as well as cheap rates. And thus, the competition started.
When the world found out that this was the best way to access fast and cheap communication, everyone flocked to the internet. And for the internet the World Wide Web was needed, and for this web hosting was needed. Each company saw the potential of making so much money, they began offering their services at very competitive rates.
While earlier only large companies used server spaces, small companies and individuals too began operating, because by then they all began to understand the technology behind it. The competition was such that some companies even offered web hosting services for free, and they were backed by advertising.
With this concept, web hosting became a top industry and also offered cheap services to customers. For those who think the internet and web hosting is easy very naturally, then they are a gold mine even when they offer cheap web hosting services. As this is the single way of communication the world uses at large today.
There are many clever people who even rent the server space and host their own web pages. It has become a big challenging as well as exciting environment, with all the competition around. There are web hosting services for as less as a dollar each month. This has also made it easy for the common man to use the internet, and has made life simple for the world.
Because of cheap web hosting services, several industries have flourished. We can include online gaming, and web site designing and several other common industries too. As with every field, the web hosting industry also became cheap because of its evolution, and also with determination people developed more ways to make it accessible for less to the common man.
With cheap web hosting, the world has become a smaller place, as just about anyone can connect anywhere in the world. They may do so for personal as well as business reasons.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Why is Web Hosting Cheap Today?
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Moving Butts to Your Dance Floor
If you are having problems getting that party started quickly, read on.
The disco ball's spinning and booze is flowing, but the guests are neither shaking their thangs nor getting their grooves on ' this, even though they've been informed the roof is on fire. What to do?
How about hiring a party motivator? Such a thing exists. Seriously. These men and woman go into office parties, wedding reception or bar/bat mitzvahs and, like catalysts in a funky science project, add the ingredients that turn a party into a par-tay.
Eddie Bruce a popular Philadelphia area band leader, has used motivators to bolster the energy of private parties for more than 20 years. Once the music starts, motivators go out on the dance floor and boldly lead the meek in the latest moves by making it look fun and easy. Bruce should know what it takes to motivate a party. He hosted Dancin on Air back at the dawn of the Reagan Era and his cabaret act closed at the Prince Music Theater. Motivators, need dancing talent and a knowledge of current popular music while possessing a convincing air of friendliness. Bruce uses them whenever he organizes an event featuring DJs or bands, having between two to eight motivators per party. Parties typically start at $2,500 but can reach the sky depending on what a client desires. Motivators pull in $100 to $200 a party.
Sounds like a pretty good gig, no? Well, that's what aspiring motivators who recently headed to Club Flow for tryouts thought. Forty arrived; half would leave with a new gig. It is very important to hire the very best motivators for the wedding party or any other gig in order to get your guests off their butts and onto the dance floor.
"It's something I've wanted to do for a long time", explained New York native Rabiah Murtaza, who's trained jazz, hip-hop and flamenco. To get hired, Murtaza and the others had to show their wares to talent judge Matt Ostroff, who made it clear that some candidates had that special something. No. 3 came out string, brandishing a strobe light smile and aggressive moves that scored big points with Ostroff, who noted that "he doesn't need any training," But No.17, an attractive 20-something brunette, lost points by busting out with the Macarena.
It's a tough job, you've got to be fearless," Bruce confides. "You need a big ego"
Which makes perfect sense. Because anybody with a big ego most certainly wouldn't do the Macarena.
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Become An Expert In Your Particular Niche or Industry
People like to get advice, products, services and consulting from niche experts. They want the best; to learn the best from those who know it and walk the talk. So you need to become and expert in your niche to attract plenty of traffic, prospects and sales your way.
To become an expert you can:
1. Study a professional track to gain credentials at college, online or off. You can study on your own with library books, current industry publications, e-zines in your field, workshops and correspondence courses.
2. Hire coaches and mentors to get you up to speed. This is a great way to learn quickly. Plus, what better way to learn than from someone who is already experienced and knows what to avoid and what to capitalize on.
3. If you also want to be known as an expert you need to have your name attached to products or services. Dig in and really learn all you can about your industry, interviewing pros to really learn the scoop of what works and what does not. Then write up your findings, your interviews, your case studies and create e-books, reports, news articles and press releases about them.
4. Attend industry events like workshops, seminars, trade shows and networking activities. I cannot stress attending offline events enough. This is where great friendships are made and lucrative business deals are struck. Yes they can be pricey but going to at least one a year can build your credibility tremendously through relationships. For example, you meet a top expert in your niche and become friends. He speaks favorably of you to his colleagues and customers. Do you think this will help you in your quest to become known as an expert? Yes, of course it will. So go to offline events!
5. Invite others to interview you about your findings above, showing you are knowledgeable in your field of interest. Record those interviews and let them be downloaded for free. Make them free at first until you build your credibility and become known as an expert.
6. Participate in events as a speaker and workshop presenter. What better way to be viewed as an expert than to be an actual speaker at an event. This can give you credibility over night!
7. Make audio recordings of weekly Talk Shows you host where you discuss a current industry trend and interview top people in the field. Then give them away for free along with transcripts until you are known as an expert.
8. Setup consulting services in a couple of different pricing ranges. Package the highest level with all your e-books, reports, audio files and other products. Then sell your prospects on the lower level, working them up to the top.
9. Attend annual boot camps in your field where you learn the most popular topics form the pros all in about a 3 day period. Plan to speak at one of these, too!
10. Next is JV time. Team up with other experts who have compatible, not competing, products and services. Then reach out with joint efforts and joint event presentations, joint product packages, joint marketing in the form of link exchanges, article exchanges and ad exchanges. All of these ways will be with the goal of having the other person introduce you as the expert in your field.
11. Constantly keep track of industry changes and what the other experts in your industry are doing. Bookmark their sites, subscribe to their e-zines and print publications, etc. Learn from the best to become the best.
Do no be afraid to reach out and keep moving ahead. Thrive with your competition and learn more. It is a good idea for you and your business to commit to constantly learning and growing. Countless people neglect to read and apply the previous sentence. Read it again, now. Those individuals who stop learning cannot grow and in turn their business suffers.
It takes time to become and expert in your niche. If you follow the 11 tips listed above you will without a doubt become an expert in your niche before you know it. Also, do not get discouraged if your niche is loaded with a lot of competition. Stick to your guns and remember, there are plenty of prospects and sales to go around!
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Accountiblity Vs. Victimhood
Most people in the world spend all there time blaming others for there circumstances and playing the role of a victim rather than taking accountability for there lives. The victims blame everyone else, life's circumstances and everything else for their life's misery, lack of prospering and unattain desires and goals.
On the other hand a Producers, the opposite of a victims, don't let life's circumstances control how they feel or what they accomplish. A Producers take what the world has given them and finds away to use that to their advantage to attain happiness and prosperity.
Unfortunately most of the world is in this scarcity mind set of victimhood where they are victimized by their circumstances. They let events and other people control their lives by allowing these events and people to become justifications for why their lives are not better and for why they aren't happy.
Yes, bad things do happen to good people but it is in these moments that people can find their greatest strengths and their greatest triumphs. The people who let these bad things become an excuse for not accomplishing anything will stay in poverty all their life.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gives insight in to how people can begin to change their thinking so they are no longer a victim. "If we examine every stage of our lives, we find that from our fist breath to our last we are under the constraint of circumstances. And yet we still possess the greatest of all freedoms, the power of developing our innermost selves in harmony with the moral order of the Universe, and so winning peace at heart whatever obstacles we meet."
Yes, everyone is constrained by circumstance. Everyone has things happen to them and around them. But as Goethe expresses, they have the freedom to choose. They can choose to allow these things and events to be an excuse for their failures and miseries or they can use them as opportunities to grow and to increase their prosperity.
Life circumstances and events are not reasons to not reach our full potential, find happiness and success. Life circumstances and events are opportunities to grow and learn, by asking what shall I do now.
A great example of using life's circumstances to better your situation is a story at the end of Revolutionary War. General Washington had been planning an attack on New York for months. The French had been planning with Washington to help in the assault. But secretly, the French took their ships to Chesapeake Bay.
This enabled the French to fight in safer waters and help them in their conquest of British occupied islands in the West Indies. Washington discovered this French deception. Instead of cursing the French and playing the victim role, Washington looked at the situation and asked what can I do.
Unbeknown to the French, Washington found the perfect opportunity to trap Cornwall at Yorktown. Washington continued to allude that he would attack New York, while waiting for the French to enter Chesapeake and seal of Yorktown. Then he moved in and trapped Cornwall; consequently ending the Revolutionary War.
Had Washington played the victim and allowed himself to be ruined by French deception, who knows how long the Revolutionary War would have continued and if the Americans would have overcome the British. Since Washington took control of the circumstances and sought ways that it could benefit him and his country, he successfully ended the war and spurred America onto independence.
By falling into victimhood you restrict yourself from progressing. You say to yourself I would have been happy if this didn't happen, or someone didn't say such a thing to me, or if I was as lucky as so and so.
It is your choice to be a victim to life's circumstances and to let others effect your life. The only person you are hurting is yourself. You cannot progress and be a victim. You cannon improve your life and at the same time believe your life would be better if such and such didn't happen.
By a person taking accountability for their life, they give themselves the power to control their life. When a person blames someone or something else for how there life is, they no longer have the ability to change or accomplish what they want. Because they can't change that person or event. When a person takes accountability for their life and they can accomplish.
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Favourite activated dialing cell phone Motorola L7 Black
The Motorola L7 Black has GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS networks. When used with a carrier data plan and the phone's Bluetooth or USB data capability, the phone can be used as a wireless modem for laptops and PDAs. A large 176 x 220 color display with 262,000 colors resides above the handset's backlit control pad, which is precision cut from a single sheet of nickel-plated copper alloy.
The fashionable cell phone Motorola L7 black has Bluetooth wireless technology provides hands-free connections and Push-to-Talk connects you to work groups and friends with supreme ease. The Motorola L7 Black with up to 512 megabytes of Trans Flash expandable memory, L7 is easy to store favorite multimedia files – the possibilities are endless. With long-range Bluetooth, support for video playback, a VGA (640 x 480) camera, and a gorgeous color screen, the quad-band Motorola L7 black is a great way to get the most out of your Cingular service.
The Bluetooth cell phone Motorola L7 Black built-in speakerphone makes it easy to talk without having the phone to your ear, and voice-activated dialing makes calling your friends, family, and associates as easy as saying their names. The unlocked cell handset Motorola L7 black is a messaging and wireless Internet powerhouse. Support is built in for sending and receiving pictures, text, graphics, sound, and video via messages.
Singular’s Media service lets you receive and send e-mails, read news headlines, get weather updates, download games and ring tones, and more. The fashionable cell phone Motorola L7 black has a number of handy software tools are bundled with the Motorola L7 black, including a voice memo recorder, a calculator, a calendar, and an alarm clock. The smart cell phone Motorola L7 is a mobile marvel sheared to a sophisticated 11.5 mm thickness. Yet its large 176x220 TFT display with 262K colors is a feast for the eyes.
The unlocked cell phone Motorola L7 black’s internal phone book can hold up to 1,000 contacts, and the phone's picture ID system allows you to assign pictures to your most common callers. The smart handset Motorola L7 black also supports polyphonic ring tones as well as music ringers, allowing you to use portions of your favorite songs to alert you to incoming calls.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Xbox 360: Your media centre.!!
The Video Gaming industry has taken a huge leap over the years. From Nintendo gaming console to the Sega Genesis, and now Xbox 360-the journey so far has only been exciting. Online gaming is fast catching up with other popular modes of entertainment and is a complete rage with the kids and youngsters. Over the years, there has been a concentrated effort from the manufacturers to remodel consoles from gaming devices to a comprehensive entertainment device. A device which not only allows users to play games but also offers other forms entertainment.
The Xbox was a technological marvel and its successor Xbox360 is a step ahead of that. Surely hard to express! The Xbox 360 comes with a wireless controller, standard HD AV cable, a network cable, a headset and with 20 GB storage. There are also many features and accessories which are available separately. The Xbox gaming console is more than a video game console as it offers a host of other features for consummate entertainment.
With your Xbox 360, you can compete online with other 360 users. The console has facilities to stream and download movies, songs, digital images and game content. You can also watch your favourite TV shows on your console. Rip, edit and create your own version of songs. The high-definition music facilities ensure that you get nothing but a superior listening experience. There is also a facility with HD DVD accessory which allows you to watch DVD movies in original style. The console also allows you to chat with your buddies while playing your favourite game. The console is a complete entertainment centre that offers more than gaming to a user.
With so much to offer, the Xbox 360 is truly astounding. So, don’t wait…gear up for the next challenge on your console, right away!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Increase Search Engine Ranking With The Keyword Optimization!
If you are able to increase search engine rankingby keyword optimization, you will save the time, which the backlink building would take and this method will bring you a lot of backlinks.
We can devide keyword optimization into two parts:
1.The technical part.
2.The qualitative part
1.The technical part.
When you write a SEO article, for example, first you will select a theme and the keywords, which are tightly related to that theme. Then you will proceed and examine the top five web sites per your keywords and see, if the SEO is done properly. Are the major keywords in the title, description, keyword list, h1,h2,h3 tags and in alt tags.
If the SEO is not well done and if the top site has no backlinks or minimal number your web site has the possibility to take that position.
The keyword optimization requires, that your keyword density is around 2 %, 2% of the words are keywords, and you will use your keyword in all those tags mentioned above. Write your keywords at least once in the bold, italic and underlined font and remember to put them also into the Author Box of your SEO article.
2.The qualitative part.
The SEO article works only, if the reader will get useful information written in an enthusiastic way. You have to think your SEO article content with the eyes of the reader. The job of your SEO article is to draw the reader into the landing page of your biz-opportunity, to make him want more about the topic. And to increase search engine ranking to reach those visitors.
When you will plan the keyword optimization of your SEO article, select keywords, two for example, which will follow each other, like increase search engine ranking with keyword optimization. Now the relationship is natural, which makes it easier to use them.
You can multiply the keyword optimization effect by selecting keyphrases, which include several keyphrases or words, like: your own internet business ideas and opportunities. Just research quickly how many keywords that includes! All of those are bites for the search engines.
It is good if your keywords are as narrow as possible. Then the reader of the SEO article will get exactly, what he is looking for and the number of disappointed visitors will be minimal.
I have reached good results with this keyword optimization technics even with very competed keywords. And, finally, this technics will increase search engine ranking by building backlinks in two ways: from search engines and when other biz-opportunity owners will pick your SEO article into their web sites.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Important Keyword Strategies For Building Highly Targeted Keyword Lists Fast With Keyword Elite
Building niche keyword lists for adsense publishers and adwords advertisers is one of the many uses of Keyword Elite software by Brad Callen. This article will discuss in detail important keyword strategies for building highly targeted keyword lists with this Keyword Elite software.
When go to the Google home page and type in any keyword or phrase in the Google search box Google will then come up with a list of websites pertinent to the keyword you typed in. The websites on the left of the page are websites who have typically worked incredibly hard to optimize their sitee and get high quality, targeted back links for their website. These sites don't pay any money to be in that position, their hard work has been rewarded with top Google rankings.
If you glance to the right of the page you will usually see some ads appearing on the right in column format. There will also be some ads usually at the very top of the page. These ads are by Google Adwords advertisers. These advertisers are paying to be in that position to get their ads in front of people in the hope that their ads will be clicked on. One portion of website owners have got there for free. The other are paying for the service.
Once you've determined your method of generating keywords with this software program I'd advise you to use Overture and Ask and the meta tag options in step 3. Click on the "report view tab" and then the "edit list tab". What you will then see is a group of advanced editing options for narrowing down your keyword lists even further into much more specific niche phrases. This option will also allow you to easily add words to the beginning or end of your keywords with just the click of a mouse.
Your goal is to create an extremely targeted keyword list that doesn't contain any unwanted and unnecessary keywords. The key here is to make your list extremely focused by using both "only show phrases containing" and "remove phrases containing".
For example, let's say you looked through your list and decided you only wanted words that contained "dog food". Simply enter the phrase "dog food" into the "only phrases containing" box and click "update". This will immediately and automatically remove words that don't contain "dog food" in a matter of seconds.
Now your list is becoming very focused and targeted. You could then create an even tighter niche keyword list by stipulating that the keywords must contain "dog food recipes".
So the strategy with Keyword Elite is to first build the largest keyword list you possibly can, and then to cut it down as specifically as you want using the Advanced Editing options in Keyword Elite.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
All The Music Lyrics You Ever Wanted At Your Fingertips!!!!
It is very often that you hear a song that touches your heart and becomes one of your most favorite ones; yet when you want to hum along you are unable to get the lyrics clearly and wish you had a place where you could get the words of the song. If you have been through such a situation and prayed for a way out – your wish has just come true.
A Website Dedicated To Bring You He Lyrics
The website http://www.dailyrics.com does just that – it collects the lyrics of all the songs it finds and has them posted on the website so you could get the lyrics of your song as and when you like it. This is a great boon for all music lovers all over the world. It does not matter where in the world you live – you can have any lyrics you ever wanted at just a click of the mouse.
There is much more there for those music fans out there:
A.Search songs – you can use the http://www.dailyrics.com to find your favorite songs on the net along with the lyrics it has. Now, if you have a karaoke party or a full fledged music band you could play as good as your favorite stars. It is all there for the asking.
B.Search artists – just the same way some people search for songs, lyrics and other information, others like to learn more about the artists who sang them. The details of about half a few hundred thousand artists are indexed on http://www.dailyrics.com so you could find out practically about anyone who ever sang a popular song.
C. Albums – are you looking for a certain album? Check out the http://dragonjambala.blogspot.com. The lyrics huge database consists of half a million songs all indexed by title for easy search. It would take you a few minutes to find everything you ever needed to know about any album released in the last three decades.
D. Daily updates – it is true that the http://www.dailyrics.com database is simply huge. Even so, it is updated daily so you can have access to the lyrics, song and artists details of the song that hit the top 10 list yesterday. This database is phenomenal. If you cannot get the information you are seeking here, you might as well give up. There would be very few databases as big and as comprehensive as this one anywhere else on the Net.
E. Indexed for easy search – the http://www.dailyrics.com has all its data neatly indexed alphabetically so you could have the answer to your query in a matter of seconds. You would be able to find lyrics, songs, artists’ information as well as details on various albums on this data base at one click of the mouse.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Image Reduces to a 32 Color Image
The Palette box has a choice of 8 palette types.
The option Exact uses exactly the same colors in the palette as those that appear in the image. System Windows and System Macintosh use their respective default 8-bit palette that many times may not have any relation with the picture being processed. The process of Webdesign denver palette uses the 8-bit palette that is mostly used by web browsers. The Adaptive palette is the most effective since it selects the most frequently used color in the picture and then uses it in the palette. Custom palette allows the user to create a palette. Using this user can convert multiple images using the same custom palette. It is available to the user only after the user has converted the image using Adaptive or Custom palette.
The reduction in their image file size can be of great help in making graphic intensive web page. You can try these it’s on your pictures to see the size difference. Remember that while reducing the file size of an image, try not to compromise with the image quality.
Transparent and Interlaced GIFs
Transparency and Interlacing are two feature that quite important for displaying images on the Web. As you already know transparent images have an invisible background. Transparency gives a very neat effect to the page and the image blend into the instead of standing out.
Transparency Transparency is restricted to only the GIF file format. While making images of denver web designed transparent you need to select the color you wish to make transparent .If your image has multiple similar colors as background then you can not make all this color of the image is one single color.
The Interlace Option in Adobe Photoshop.
When you view an interlaced GIF image on the screen you will see an effect similar to the “Venetian blind”. You need not worry if your browser does not show this effect while displaying the image; it only means that the browser does not support interlacing. It does not mean that your image has gone distorted. So don’t panic!
Animated GIFs
Animated GIFs are very common on the Net. They too have a GIF as the filename extension. Animated GIFs are nothing but GIF files arranged in a sequence. They are placed in a sequence so that when the file is played, it gives the effect of animation. There are several GIF animation programs available that help in creating animated GIF builder for Windows platform is GIF Construction set by Alchemy Mind works. It is user-friendly software that allows you to create animated GIFs by just dragging and dropping images into a sequence. Animated GIF files do not need any plug-in or other helper application to run on the browser.
It is important to know when and where to use animated GIFs. You must know that animation used unnecessary can distract the readers and your page look sloppy.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Like no other training form, e-learning promises to provide a single experience that accommodates the three distinct learning styles of auditory learners, visual learners, and kinesthetic learners. Other unique opportunities created by the advent and development of e-learning by web design are more efficient training of a globally dispersed audience; and reduced publishing and distribution costs as Web-based training becomes a standard.
Advantages of e-learning often include flexibility and convenience for the learner especially if they have other commitments, facilitation of communication between learners, greater adaptability to a learner’s needs, more variety in learning experience with the use of multimedia and the non-verbal presentation of teaching material.
E-learning facilitates knowledge, competence, and process improvement. It helps learners apply contemporary techniques in the real world. It is a knowledge platform that assists in unlocking the potential within each employee of an organisation to achieve performance excellence.
In online learning, the learner chooses when to learn, does so at his/her own pace and is in control of the learning. Therefore, the traditional linear approach with extensive reading of text and numerous slides of information are generally unsuccessful. Since the classroom dynamics are not present, the online approach must engage the learners, have them respond to questions, scenarios and make decisions as they are learning the content. Special links to Web sites or supplementary material make for an enriching experience. Web design companies need to create such websites that should be informative & interactive.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How To Generate MLM Leads
MLM leads are crucial for your business
Most home based businesses depend on MLM leads to take the business further. That's because MLM business is a very popular way to spread the word and multiple sales exponentially. MLM stands for multi level marketing and refers to several strata of people who will sell your product or service to other people. The layers keep adding as new recruits get added.
How to generate MLM leads
There are several ways to generate more MLM leads and some of them are very easy. Here we list a few ways you can increase MLM leads to your site:
Friends and acquaintances. The first thing to do before starting the hunt for MLM leads, is to draw up a list of people you already know – these could include friends, family, ex colleagues and acquaintances. Once you have created this list, you can start contacting them. If they are not interested you could politely ask them if they know of other people in their network who might be interested. This is a great way to build on contacts.
Get all contact information. Once you start the process of contacting these leads, you need to get access to their contact information. That means you need to start collecting business cards, email IDs and phone numbers etc. This will help you have a ready repository of a database of contacts. You can contact them at a later date if they are not interested at the moment. Cold calling. The best way to start contacting leads is by cold calling. While this may elicit negative responses going by the reputation cold calling has, it is the best way to generate leads. At some point or the other people will call back asking for more information.
Follow up. Once you have made the initial call, don't shy from calling or making contact again. This is essential to ensure brand recall and that people don't forget about you or your business.
Do your research. It is important for you to know as much as possible on the MLM distributor, the type of products you are selling, incentives and bonuses etc which are part of the MLM business plan. This is because any potential MLM leads might ask you questions about these and if you don't have ready answers, you will be looked upon with suspicion and mistrust. That will also mean lesser leads.
MLM trade journals. These journals consist of people who have already expressed some form of interest in MLM marketing. Therefore if you publish your advertisement in these journals, your chances of getting leads is that much easier!
Press releases. You can have press releases aimed at targeted publications that deal with MLM businesses. This ensures great publicity for your business and is sure to elicit responses and enquiries.
Different advertisements. Your advertisements should be different so that you stand out from the millions of other MLM based businesses out there. Try and make your advertisement as eye catching and crisp as possible.
Buying leads. The other option is to purchase MLM leads from list selling organizations. However it is essential to check out a few things before purchase – such as how old the leads are, how many times have they been resold before, how much support and training the company is ready to provide etc.
Articles and ebooks. These remain a great way to generate MLM leads. You can have specific and niche articles with targeted keywords which talk about different aspects of your business. Similar for ebooks.
Billboard advertisements. Billboards are always eye catching and are sure to get anyone's attention. MLM businesses can place their advertisements on billboards but again these need to be very clever, eye catching and interesting to the eye. These generate a lot of responses.
Common touchpoints. Try and find out places where lot of people congregate at frequent intervals. These include the dry cleaners, grocery stores etc. Try placing a small advertisement of your business on common objects used at these places, such as the dry cleaning hanger, the basket used to carry goods in grocery stores, even the paper packages used to carry goods. These are all great places to create brand recall.
Not making any money with your current MLM business? How would you like to earn $400 or $1000 per sale? Visit my top business opportunity that earns me over $20,000 per month. Also read my free work at home report.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How To Generate MLM Leads
MLM leads are crucial for your business
Most home based businesses depend on MLM leads to take the business further. That's because MLM business is a very popular way to spread the word and multiple sales exponentially. MLM stands for multi level marketing and refers to several strata of people who will sell your product or service to other people. The layers keep adding as new recruits get added.
How to generate MLM leads
There are several ways to generate more MLM leads and some of them are very easy. Here we list a few ways you can increase MLM leads to your site:
Friends and acquaintances. The first thing to do before starting the hunt for MLM leads, is to draw up a list of people you already know – these could include friends, family, ex colleagues and acquaintances. Once you have created this list, you can start contacting them. If they are not interested you could politely ask them if they know of other people in their network who might be interested. This is a great way to build on contacts.
Get all contact information. Once you start the process of contacting these leads, you need to get access to their contact information. That means you need to start collecting business cards, email IDs and phone numbers etc. This will help you have a ready repository of a database of contacts. You can contact them at a later date if they are not interested at the moment. Cold calling. The best way to start contacting leads is by cold calling. While this may elicit negative responses going by the reputation cold calling has, it is the best way to generate leads. At some point or the other people will call back asking for more information.
Follow up. Once you have made the initial call, don't shy from calling or making contact again. This is essential to ensure brand recall and that people don't forget about you or your business.
Do your research. It is important for you to know as much as possible on the MLM distributor, the type of products you are selling, incentives and bonuses etc which are part of the MLM business plan. This is because any potential MLM leads might ask you questions about these and if you don't have ready answers, you will be looked upon with suspicion and mistrust. That will also mean lesser leads.
MLM trade journals. These journals consist of people who have already expressed some form of interest in MLM marketing. Therefore if you publish your advertisement in these journals, your chances of getting leads is that much easier!
Press releases. You can have press releases aimed at targeted publications that deal with MLM businesses. This ensures great publicity for your business and is sure to elicit responses and enquiries.
Different advertisements. Your advertisements should be different so that you stand out from the millions of other MLM based businesses out there. Try and make your advertisement as eye catching and crisp as possible.
Buying leads. The other option is to purchase MLM leads from list selling organizations. However it is essential to check out a few things before purchase – such as how old the leads are, how many times have they been resold before, how much support and training the company is ready to provide etc.
Articles and ebooks. These remain a great way to generate MLM leads. You can have specific and niche articles with targeted keywords which talk about different aspects of your business. Similar for ebooks.
Billboard advertisements. Billboards are always eye catching and are sure to get anyone's attention. MLM businesses can place their advertisements on billboards but again these need to be very clever, eye catching and interesting to the eye. These generate a lot of responses.
Common touchpoints. Try and find out places where lot of people congregate at frequent intervals. These include the dry cleaners, grocery stores etc. Try placing a small advertisement of your business on common objects used at these places, such as the dry cleaning hanger, the basket used to carry goods in grocery stores, even the paper packages used to carry goods. These are all great places to create brand recall.
Not making any money with your current MLM business? How would you like to earn $400 or $1000 per sale? Visit my top business opportunity that earns me over $20,000 per month. Also read my free work at home report.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
MLM Training - Effective Selling Technique Makes Sales Natural, Easy and Enjoyable
The first time you hear or read this mlm training tip it may seem a little odd. But by the end of this article it will make sense to you. The tip is: Never sell what the prospect won't buy.
How can you accomplish this? The quick answer is: Do not mention to the prospect what you're selling until you know they will buy it!
It's as simple as that.
During the qualifying section of the Inviting Formula, you simply ask what your prospect needs/wants or doesn't want. By doing this, you're basically asking them what they WILL buy. Once you find that out, use it as your selling point. This is what they will buy! How do you know for sure they will buy it? They said they would!
As an example, if I'm talking with an MLM business prospect who answered an ad for "working from home," I then ask them why they would want to work from home. If they say, "So I can spend more time with my children" - that is what the prospect will buy!
I don't know if he'll buy, "debt free company with 12 international patents." I don't know if he'll buy -"my upline is making $20,000 per month." But what I know he'll buy is - "spend more time with my children." So that's all I sell!
In another example, let's suppose your MLM business is focused on selling skin care products. You tell that person you have a product that gets rid of pimples and that person replies, "I don't get pimples." Well, you just destroyed your sale. From that point it's very awkward to back up and say, "Well I have a product that reduces wrinkles."
Instead, start by asking something like, "Do you use skin care products?" "What do you use them for?" With the answers you get, you're able to communicate and sell them what they need, not what they don't need.
A sharp salesperson knows exactly what their customer should buy, even more than the customer. If a person walks into a store to buy a drill bit, for example, the smart hardware salesperson will ask enough questions to get all the information before they make a recommendation. Questions like, "How big of a hole do you need?" "How deep do you need the hole?" "What material are you drilling through?" By asking the right questions, that salesperson will sell exactly what that prospect needs. You see, the prospect didn't need a drill bit; they needed a hole.
Another angle on this is to eliminate what your prospect doesn't want and then use that data to figure out the right products for them.
In short the success of your MLM business depends on your ability to sell. A) You must know how to sell your product. B) You have to know how to sell your MLM business opportunity. And, C) you must provide the right MLM training so the people you sponsor know how to do both A and B listed above.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
MLM Training - Effective Selling Technique Makes Sales Natural, Easy and Enjoyable
The first time you hear or read this mlm training tip it may seem a little odd. But by the end of this article it will make sense to you. The tip is: Never sell what the prospect won't buy.
How can you accomplish this? The quick answer is: Do not mention to the prospect what you're selling until you know they will buy it!
It's as simple as that.
During the qualifying section of the Inviting Formula, you simply ask what your prospect needs/wants or doesn't want. By doing this, you're basically asking them what they WILL buy. Once you find that out, use it as your selling point. This is what they will buy! How do you know for sure they will buy it? They said they would!
As an example, if I'm talking with an MLM business prospect who answered an ad for "working from home," I then ask them why they would want to work from home. If they say, "So I can spend more time with my children" - that is what the prospect will buy!
I don't know if he'll buy, "debt free company with 12 international patents." I don't know if he'll buy -"my upline is making $20,000 per month." But what I know he'll buy is - "spend more time with my children." So that's all I sell!
In another example, let's suppose your MLM business is focused on selling skin care products. You tell that person you have a product that gets rid of pimples and that person replies, "I don't get pimples." Well, you just destroyed your sale. From that point it's very awkward to back up and say, "Well I have a product that reduces wrinkles."
Instead, start by asking something like, "Do you use skin care products?" "What do you use them for?" With the answers you get, you're able to communicate and sell them what they need, not what they don't need.
A sharp salesperson knows exactly what their customer should buy, even more than the customer. If a person walks into a store to buy a drill bit, for example, the smart hardware salesperson will ask enough questions to get all the information before they make a recommendation. Questions like, "How big of a hole do you need?" "How deep do you need the hole?" "What material are you drilling through?" By asking the right questions, that salesperson will sell exactly what that prospect needs. You see, the prospect didn't need a drill bit; they needed a hole.
Another angle on this is to eliminate what your prospect doesn't want and then use that data to figure out the right products for them.
In short the success of your MLM business depends on your ability to sell. A) You must know how to sell your product. B) You have to know how to sell your MLM business opportunity. And, C) you must provide the right MLM training so the people you sponsor know how to do both A and B listed above.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Planning Your First Weekend Break: A Relationship Milestone
So you’ve been seeing someone for a while now. You really like her—you think you could be falling in love—and you want to do something special. Something like sweep her off her feet to a romantic getaway far away from work, family, and all other distractions.
A weekend break might be just the thing you need. A short vacation in a new place is sure to add some extra romance and excitement into your relationship. If you’re looking to plan a first weekend break with your sweetheart, here’s some advice on how to do it.
Be spontaneous. The weekend break is all about romance—and let’s face it, spontaneity is romantic. If you sit down with her months beforehand and plan out every step of your vacation, it might be fun when you get there, but it will hardly give her that secret thrill of being swept off her feet. Instead, look over at her on a Friday and say something like “Let’s go to Paris this weekend.” The idea is to make her feel that when she’s with you, anything might happen.
Plan ahead. Of course, you can’t really be that spontaneous; you’ll probably want to book the room in advance. The key is to make her think you’re being spontaneous. In reality, pick a weekend where you know she doesn’t have any other plans—maybe even make plans to be together all weekend. If there are kids involved, arrange for a babysitter ahead of time. If you’ve taken care of all the details, she’ll have less reason to say no.
Keep it simple. Remember that this break is all about romance—and nothing kills romance like a round of frenzied activity. When planning your weekend getaway, make sure you don’t book yourself solid with activities. Instead, keep a few simple things in mind that you think she’ll like to do—sightseeing, cycling, a picnic lunch—and keep things open. If the two of you opt to stay in your room for most of the weekend, that’s just fine.
Keep her likes and dislikes in mind. If she’s a five-star hotel type, she may not be impressed with the rustic little inn you’ve chosen. But if she loves the countryside, that might be the perfect thing. If she loves the lights of the big city, there’s always London or Paris. But if she loves crumbling castles and romantic, windswept moors, you may want to choose a break that’s far away from the city. Keep her interests, likes, and dislikes in mind when you plan your first break, and pick a place you know she’ll love.
Arrange for a little something extra. Why not tell the hotel staff you’re planning a romantic getaway? They may be able to arrange something special for you: rose petals on the bed, or a complimentary bottle of champagne. If not, bring a few things to set the mood when you get there: a mix of your favorite love songs, a romantic movie to watch, or anything else that will give her a nice surprise.
Foot the bill. Your first weekend break is almost like a long, intimate date. And nothing kills the romance of the date like asking her to split the bill. Instead, take care of everything, and let your first vacation together be a gift from you. She’s sure to feel pampered, loved, and impressed.
Leave work (and kids) at home. Last, it’s very important to pay attention to her on this trip—and not to anything else. So leave your beeper and your BlackBerry at home. If you or she has kids, leave them with a capable sitter and instruct them not to call you unless it’s a dire emergency. Two days isn’t a lot of time to be away, and the world probably won’t fall apart without you. This break should be all about romance, and nothing is more romantic than being in the moment and focused only on your partner.
A weekend break is a great opportunity to forge a stronger bond, spend some romantic time alone together, and sweep your partner off her feet. So plan ahead—but don’t let on. Choose a location you know she’ll love, and don’t overschedule once you get there. And most importantly, leave all distractions at home. Do it right, and your first weekend break may be a memory the two of you will treasure for a long time to come.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Linux Bats in the Major Leagues in Alaska’s Historic Gold Camps
Linux Gold Corp. (OTCBB:LNXGF) has stepped up to the plate as it further expands its presence in Alaska’s historic gold camps. The company has recently acquired an option to purchase a 100% interest in 26 mining claims close to the historic Ester Dome mining camp near Fairbanks, Alaska for US$10.3 million in cash and shares over a two-year period. As per its October 18th press release, “on September 9, 2007, a major gold/silver discovery was located on the claims, with a potential strike length of 6,500’, width of 100’ and minimum depth of 100’ of high grade gold and silver values based on the sampling and trenching program completed this year. The area has been re-sampled and results are pending.” Placer gold has been mined around Ester Creek and its drainage for decades.
This latest acquisition adds considerable lustre to Linux’s position in Alaska, as it also owns the Granite Mountain gold-polymetallic-platinum Project– located approximately 80 miles east of Nome, on the eastern part of Alaska's Seward Peninsula. The company staked a 37 square mile area at the ‘epicentre’ of some of the world’s greatest deposits– surrounded by Teck Cominco’s Red Dog, (the world's largest zinc deposit) located 180 miles north, Nova Gold’s Rock Creek and Big Hurrah gold mines 75 miles west, their Khotol Silver project 60 miles east, and finally, Northern Dynasty’s massive gold-copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit (the Pebble Project) to the southeast. Red Dog is has over US$20 billion worth of zinc reserves and is producing 500,000 tons of ore annually. Indicated deposits for Rock Creek and Big Hurrah total 670,000 ounces of gold with an estimated Inferred Resource of 100,000 ounces of gold. Northern Dynasty has an inferred mineral resource of approximately 28 million ounces gold and 16.4 billion pounds of copper – certainly one of the world’s finest mineral deposits.
In early 2005, Linux acquired a 100% interest in the property by staking 148 State of Alaska 160-acre mining claims at several locations near Granite Mountain. Work done in the 1960s suggests that the property deserves additional exploration. To date, mapping and geochemical sampling has enabled the company to outline a two-mile mineralized zone with favorable discovery potential. The company’s consulting geologist for the project, Robert B. Murray, is currently completing a NI 43-101 report on the property. In September 2006, a drilling program on the property was completed, testing four separate mineralized zones. Further exploration work to confirm gold and silver values on the property is planned pending additional financing.
The USGS’ fact sheet entitled Regional Geologic, Geochemical, Geophysical, and Mineral Deposit Data for Economic Development in Alaska in the 21st Century confirms the immense base-metal resources of the Seward Peninsula: “Since the gold rush of the late 19th century, it has been recognized that the mineral endowment of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, is considerable. The well-known placer gold operations have had significant historic production and continue operating to this day. Lode gold production has also occurred. The potential for base-metal deposits (Pb, Zn, Cu) has attracted exploration to the peninsula for decades, but the extent of that resource is unknown. Scattered across the Seward Peninsula, in an area 150 x 200 km, are numerous prospects and occurrences of stratiform massive sulfides.”
Linux also owns a 50% interest in 30 mineral claims known as the Fish Creek Prospect, located in the Fairbanks Mining Division in Alaska. The claims are located only six miles from Kinross’ Fort Knox mill. Linux has a 50/50 joint-venture with Teryl Resources Corp. (TSX.V:TRC) in the Fish Creek claims, in which Linux will spend US$500,000 on the project over three years. Linux Gold Corp. retains a 5% net smelter return or may convert into a 25% working interest. The Fish Creek claims are part of Teryl’s Alaskan holdings, which also include the Gil Project, the Stepovich claims, and the West Ridge property – all in the Fairbanks Mining District. Teryl is one of the main landowners in the district, with holdings contiguous to Kinross’ Fort Knox Project. According to Kinross’ Fort Knox Mine technical report, “the Fairbanks mining district is a celebrated placer gold camp with production in excess of 8.0 million ounces of gold since 1902. Although a significant mining district in terms of total production, it had only limited lode production until the discovery and development of the Fort Knox deposit in the late 1990s.” Fort Knox is the largest producing gold mine in Alaska, with a 4,000,000 oz Au ore reserve.
Linux and Teryl share something else – their president, CEO and chairman of the board, John Robertson, who brings an extensive business, mining and marketing background to both companies.
Management has diligently set about acquiring strategic properties near some of the world’s major producers in an area known for its world-class reserves and its mining-friendly political environment. This approach has yielded some great results so far, given the fact that it has been able to forge close ties with Kinross at Fish Creek.
The company is remarkably well-diversified in terms of its property portfolio, with projects near major former and current producers in Alaska, Arizona, China and Canada. Its accessible price point and Bulletin Board status make it especially attractive to American investors who wish to position themselves early on in the drilling stage in order to maximize their chances of seeing major-league near- and mid-term appreciation. With some good drill results we could well see Linux hit a grand slam.
This article is intended for information purposes only, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell the equities of any company mentioned herein. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but no warranty as to accuracy is expressed or implied. The opinions expressed in the article are those of the author except where statements are attributed to individuals other than the author, in which case the opinions are those of the individual to whom they are attributed.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Women's Hair Loss Prevention Tips: How You Can Prevent Hair Loss!!!!
Like men, women too experiences hair loss. Although the frequency of hair loss in women is less severe than men, you have to consider that it can be quite frustrating for a woman to have thinning hair. This is why it is important for you to know how you can prevent hair loss in order for you to maintain a hair that has full body and hair that is healthy. First of all, there are quite a lot of causes of women's hair loss. In order for you to know how to treat it, you first need to know what is causing your hair to thin out.
Basically, one of the most common causes of hair loss in women is by not eating the right kinds of food. You have to remember that the hair is part of our body and in order for you to keep it healthy, you will need to provide it with the nourishments it needs. By eating the right kinds of food, you will be able to get your blood to deliver vitamins and minerals from the food you eat and deliver it to your hair follicles in order for it to encourage growth and produce healthy hair.
So, one way to prevent hair loss in women is that you need to start eating the right kinds of food.
Most women always go to beauty shops in order to get their hair dyed or applied with chemicals and machines in order to get it to look more beautiful. However, the heat on these machines and the abuse that the hair goes through in these beauty shops are not what you can call hair friendly. Because of the abuse, your hair may become beautiful but will sustain permanent damage and will eventually lead to hair loss.
To prevent this from happening to you, you may want to lay off the hair dyes and other machines that may abuse and damage your hair.
Overexposure to the sun is also one of the causes of hair loss. The ultraviolet ray that is present in the sun is harmful not only for your skin but also on your hair. It will dry the hair up and cause it to be brittle and it can also cause damage to the hair follicles. This will mean excessive hair loss and hair breakage. So, if you enjoy walking under the sun, you may want to wear a hat. This will be able to protect your hair from the harmful rays of the sun.
Another factor that can contribute to hair loss is the excessive use of shampoos. You need to remember that most shampoos available in the market today contain chemicals that may be harmful to your hair. Also, using a wrong shampoo for your hair type can also cause hair loss in women. So, as much as possible, you need to rinse your hair thoroughly after using shampoo to clean your hair and you should also try using a shampoo that is formulated for the type of hair you have.
These are the common reasons why women experience hair loss. As you can see women's hair loss is preventable. By just following these simple tips, you will be able to keep your hair healthy and avoid hair loss.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Online Dating-Choosing a catchy username
Having a personal profile on any social sites on the internet gives you the chance to hook up with anyone around the world. So if you are into a global dating fun, you must learn to attract someone by using the right alias to engage attention with you. www.adultdatingpost.com has the right advices and tips that will lead you to the outskirts of online dating.
Online dating doesn’t only give you the chance to meet someone online, it also gives you a chance to reinvent yourself. By using usernames of course!
Usernames are integral parts of the online dating scene. Sometimes that’s all that an online dater bases her decision to check out a profile on. So make sure that your username could steadily attract potential partners. If it’s not then you probably won’t enjoy taking up online dating in the first place.
A username could tell a lot about the personality of a person. This is important when online dating because you don’t have the assurance that the username, however plain it may be, is a person’s real name. In fact, it is inadvisable to use your real name when it comes to online dating. Be creative and reinvent yourself when you log online.
One good thing to incorporate in your username is your hobby. Like “baseballfreak” or “rugbydude”. It shows a glimpse of what your interests are. If you’re looking for a partner that you’re sure you’re going to click with, then it’ll probably be the ones that will check out names like these.
You could also use light hearted names like “coolman” or “chillbud”. But of course usernames like these project the image of fun and friendship rather than serious relationships. If you’re only dating online to look for fun activities to do and friends to do them with, then you could go by these names.
You could also put in your place of residence in your username. Though it doesn’t have to be specific like Tom Hanks’s in You’ve Got Mail. Just putting in your city will greatly help searchers to limit their search geographically. If an online dater for example sees Paris, London, NY or Vienna in your username for example, she’ll immediately think that you’re from the area. So make use of that perception to get the most out of online dating.
If you can’t think of anything else, you could try playing up your name a number then adding a number. It always work but of course it doesn’t project any image of you whatsoever. If you’re called Dherick for example, try “Rhickz22” or something. Some may view this as boring but it’s a hell of a lot better than “humongousdick”.
You could also use exotic words for usernames. Try looking for foreign language terms for translations. When users see usernames like these, it immediately makes them wonder what it could mean. You could try translating your favorite characteristic into a foreign language and use that. Or use some interesting word that you would associate with your personality. “Onerios” for example if you’re esoteric and are into dreams or “voyageurdemonde” which means a world traveler in French.
Some names to avoid are the self-depreciating ones like “smartbutslow” or “cutebutshallow”. It may come out as funny but most online daters pass over their profiles. Also, don’t use usernames that are filled with bitterness like “brokenhearted” or “cheaterhater”. Online daters gravitate to other daters who are positive about using the online dating opportunity. So make sure that you seem like you enjoy life even from username alone.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Google's Last Dance! Could Semantic Search Mean The End Of Google?
As a full-time online marketer and webmaster I try to keep my eyes peeled to what is happening with the search engines. These complex creatures control the Internet. They truly are the heart, soul and brains of the web.
Unfortunately, they also control the faith of many struggling webmasters who are clawing their way to the top of SERPs in organic search. Being listed on these first page results for your chosen keyword phrases is the ultimate goal and it is often the determining factor in the success of your site.
Recently, I have noticed some strange movements with my closely watched keywords, especially in Google. Which shouldn't alarm anyone because there are often sudden movements and adjustments as Google tweaks and refines its algorithm, the complex series of formulas it uses to determine which pages and sites get featured.
(Side Note: An excellent resource on Google's Algorithm and ranking factors can be found here: http://www.seomoz.org/article/search-ranking-factors#f41 )
It's way too early to jump to any conclusions but the big question on everyone's mind: Is Google Moving Towards Semantic Search?
Or more precisely will Google have to move to semantic search if it has any chance of surviving in our 'here today - gone tomorrow' search world. Most of us old folks can easily recall a pre-Google web. Is a post-Google web possible?
That's very hard to swallow but stranger things have happened on the net. But the real question should be: will Google have to embrace semantic search or perish?
Wikipedia defines Semantic Search or Semantic Web as the evolving process of taking all the content on the world wide web and "expressing it not only in natural language, but also in a form that can be understood, interpreted and used by software agents, thus permitting them to find, share and integrate information more easily."
As can be imagined, finding the formats and framework which all this data can be processed into meaningful responses directly related to a search enquiry is mind boggling. Technologies such as RDF(Resource Description Framework), data interchange formats (e.g. RDF/XML, Turtle, N3, N-Triples), RDFS (RDF Schema) and OWL (Web Ontology Language) will all probably play a role. Many believe microformats will be very important in this evolving semantic web.
*New Semantic Search Engine*
We now have our first search engine supposedly based on semantics or meaning: Hakia (www.hakia.com). Is it the first in a whole new wave of search engines generated and powered by the Semantic Web which is now tagged as Web 3.0? More importantly, can it compete against a more text based search engine such as Google?
Hakia has some great features such as highlighting potential answers to your posted question. For example, ask it a question like: What is the population of Seattle? And you will get an answer. But you will also get a gallery page featuring all the relevant information about Seattle: How to get there? Local Hotels, Restaurant Guides, Local Weather...
Of course, do the same search in Google and you will also find your information along with images and maps of Seattle. However, using Hakia will show you the relevant information faster because it is highlighted and easier to find. And in my opinion having a whole gallery page of information somehow makes your search more relevant and useful.
*Can Google Compete?*
Is this a better mousetrap? Maybe, maybe not... but it is definitely pointing the way to a better method of searching on the web.
Granted, this type of search engine has a long way to go to match Google's massive resources and obvious dominance in the search market. But even the most devoted Google user like myself must admit Google's method of ranking pages and content on the web is not without some flaws. Take for example the issue of Google Bombing where different webmasters influenced the listing of the keyword 'miserable failure' to point to President Bush.
Google has now solved that problem but Google is basically an elitist system where sites and content is judged by the PR ranking system and its algorithm and filters. One would like to believe it is a democratic system where the best and highest quality content rises to the top. One would like to...
For information is one thing but opinions and the quality of those opinions is something entirely different. Will the new semantic web/search be able to judge quality content and rank it as good as Google presently does?
*Problems For Webmasters*
Regardless of how the whole Semantic Web scenario plays out, it may have some consequences for webmasters and marketers. At least in the initial stages until you can adjust or optimize your sites to this new 400 pound Gorilla on the block.
One major concern is how will the literal translation or semantic meaning of your site's title and URL determine your placement in a semantically themed search engine? Although most webmasters know to place their major keywords in their site's domain name but if you cover many topics within your site this is not always possible.
Plus, does a Semantic Web mean everything will probably have to be tagged to the nth degree as we are seeing in blogs, social media and Web 2.0? Thankfully this can be easily done with free software such as WordPress which has tagging already built into its programming.
If we do get truly semantic search wouldn't on page factors play an even greater role for ranking? Special care would have to be taken as regards to your keywords and keyword variations. Great care will also have to be taken with page Titles, Meta Tags and your URLS.
I notice I am listed in Hakia for certain keywords but those have the direct phrases in the URLS.
Keen observers will also note that Google is now listing five or six related links in the number one SERPs position for certain keyword phrases. All these links come from the same site but are they more semantically related to the search enquiry than traditional links we have seen in Google? Or are they more in line with the gallery pages we see in Hakia?
Of course, jumping to any conclusions based on just one or two examples is foolhardy to say the least. Especially where search engines are concerned.
*Brave New Internet*
No doubt, Semantic Search or a Semantic Web poses some difficult obstacles and challenges as we seek a more human response from all those bits and bytes. For example, will semantic search mean we will have more closely focused sites strictly sticking to the topic of the url or domain name. Will the semantic web be more restricting than liberating?
When it is all said and done, will we really be able to devise a computer/machine/system that will be able to truly interpret the vast stored knowledge and give us the right meaningful answers to our questions? Will it be able to be programmed so its human enough to not only understand but also interpret the subtle differences and meanings we have for different words in the whole context of a webpage?
Perhaps the most intriguing question, can someone take the present day 'www index' and then apply microformats or even new technology to this massive data and build a supplemental exclusive extension of the present day web? Turn it into a more semantic 'natural language search' accessible index. If such a gigantic feat was even feasible, you would also have to wonder who could have the resources to make such a creature possible!
As we have seen from Google a dance is not necessarily a dance and a slap is not necessarily a slap. Could an index be more than an index? It may be too early to tell but Google will probably be better equipped to quickly adjust than anyone to this new Semantic Web whatever shape or form it takes.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How Search Engines Work-Good Tips
An estimated 350 million searches are conducted daily. And this does not even include non English searches. These searches are the life blood of most of the revenue earned online; from multiplied millions earned by Google and CNN to few thousands by affiliate websites and personal blogs.
SE consists of an array of complex software programs running in hundreds of servers with the sole intention of organizing all the information on the web for you. We can divide SEs operation into three. The first is the crawling and feeding of the SEs database.
The particular software that does this is commonly referred to as the crawler, bot or SE spider. The program travels or crawls through-out the internet through links and collects web pages with their content and brings them to the SEs database. This part of the SE function identifies new web pages and changes to old web pages. It is important to have your website crawlable. If it is not your website is as good as non-existent.
In the SE database the crawled pages are indexed or arranged in a manner that is somewhat sorted. A lay example of what the engines do at this stage is the index at the back of a book - particularly academic books. The index has a word or phrase and a following string of pages where that phrase appears. An index for only one book is a couple of pages. Now think of a SE index as a collection of millions of indices from millions of books harmonized.
Harmonized because, there are thousands of books on similar topics. The index takes into consideration several variables. For example is a particular word in the webpage in bold? Is it in the title tag? Is it within the content or on the navigation? The index is the heart of the SEs. It is the index that will mainly determine which page ranks where for whatever query.
The exact workings and what variables are considered are kept a secret for two man reasons. One is to avoid unfair manipulation by black hat SEOs to rank undeserving websites. And two is to avoid giving competitors "useful ideas" of serving better quality search to users.
It might seem to you that when you enter a search query into a Yahoo Search that is when Yahoo's SE goes out into the web to retrieve results. But most of the job was already done by the crawler and the indexer. When you perform a search you activate the third function of the SE, query processing.
The query works together with the index to serve the most relevant results to that particular query or term from the SEs dataase. You will commonly come across the term SE Algorithm or Algo referring to this operation.
Designing a website so that the SE indexes finds it most relevant to your websites keywords is what entails SEO. Making sure particular visitors click your website's link on the results that are served to the user by the SEs, rather than your competitors, entails SEM.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Jolie Shy About Beowulf Body
She is moving slowly toward her prey. Trailing Jolie is a long, thin, twisting gold tail.
"I love my tail," Jolie laughs during an interview in Los Angeles recently. The water scene is the first time audiences of her new, ground-breaking digitally-enhanced live action film, Beowulf, see Jolie's face.
The other lead actors in Beowulf, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, John Malkovich and Robin Wright Penn, are not so easily recognisable, thanks to new generation motion capture technology Beowulf director Robert Zemeckis used to make the film.
Zemeckis believed Jolie's exotic beauty, except for the tail, did not need touching up to play the demonic, lizard-like mother of Grendel, a half-decaying monster who also lives in the cavern.
Winstone, the East London-born actor with a booming Cockney accent, was not so fortunate.
Zemeckis, who used similar Hollywood technical magic to create 2004's The Polar Express with Tom Hanks, cast Winstone to play the movie's hero, Beowulf, a Viking warrior with legendary, dragon-slaying fighting skills.
In a traditional Hollywood action adventure film, the casting decision would be deemed ridiculous.
Beowulf stands almost two metres tall, has blond, flowing hair and a muscular body similar to a professional wrestler.
Winstone is just 178cm tall, has black hair, a pot belly and chubby arms used to lifting pints in a pub.
Beowulf is in in the physical prime of his life, aged in his latest 20s. Winstone celebrated his 50th birthday this year.
When Zemeckis first contacted Winstone about playing Beowulf, a story set in Denmark in the 6th century and based on the oldest known English language poem, believed to have been written in the 7th century, the English actor thought the director was kidding.
When they met and Zemeckis showed Winstone images of what Beowulf would look like in the film, he thought the director was insane.
Zemeckis, however, was convinced the portly Pom was the man for the job.
He was blown away by Winstone's performance as Henry VIII in a 2003 TV movie about the British monarch, but not by the actor's physical appearance.
It was Winstone's voice.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Spice Girls Hit By Email Hoaxer
Last week it was reported that the band had cancelled a show in Argentina, after an ‘official’ email was sent to fans claiming that their Buenos Aires gig had been scrapped due to high demand for their other dates.
However, a Spice Girls spokesman has issued a statement branding the announcement a “fake”:
"The Spice Girls would like to make it clear that they have not cancelled their Buenos Aires show.
"A story has appeared on several websites that includes a fake email and competition from the girls. The fake email claims that due to the demand so far in the UK and the US this show is going to be cancelled.
"The email goes onto say that they will be running some competitions for their South American fans to travel to the UK to watch a show.
"This is not the case and this email is 100% unofficial and has nothing to so with the Spice Girls."
The spokesman adds that the band hopes to schedule a gig in the South American city in February.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Web Banner Advertising Is Not Extinct.*
This argument has been raging for awhile. In the early days of cyberspace, internet banner advertising was a hot commodity, then it moved into the not so effective stage, followed by being labeled a relic of the past, and now it has been declared dead by people "in the know". Apparently some of the major news services and mega companies online did not get the memo because they still use banner ads; and quite profitably.
A web site banner is an advertisement in the form of image and text. Though you will see banner ads placed in a variety of different areas, they are commonly used at the top of a webpage. This technique maybe considered a holdover from when internet banner advertising was in its glory days but it really serves a more practical purpose. The top of the page is where you are most likely to attract the attention of your visitors.
So why the rush to place banner advertising alongside the fossil remains of the tyrannosaurus at your local museum? Part of it is that since the internet moves at warped speed, many people figure something old as web banner advertising cannot be effective or they just never had much success even when these types of ads were in vogue. Whatever the reason, a web site banner (like any form of advertisement) can do a nice job of promoting your products or services, when used effectively. Use one or a combination of these tips to get you started.
1. Land of the Free
This word does something to all of us. Mainly it gets us to explore further. Advertise a free giveaway on your web site banner related to your target market. Offer a free ebook or helpful video that gets people curious to find out more. When they click the ad banner, you can lead them to signup page, with an opt in email form. If your initial free offer is enticing enough, then people will not mind giving you their contact information
2. Free Banner Exchange
The folks over at marketingterms.com have come up with the simplest and best definition of a banner exchange program: "I will show your ads on my site in exchange for getting to show my ads on your site." This is a very cost effective way to get your banner on hundreds if not thousands of other websites. Many banner exchanges will work hard to match your ad banner to a relevant website. Keep in mind this is not always feasible so you may get stuck putting banner ads on your site outside of your niche.
3. Paid Banner Ads
As the name implies you are paying for your banner to be advertised on other websites. The key to ensuring this method yields some good return on your investment is to make sure the website you are advertising on delivers the web traffic they promise. You also want your web site banner to be placed in an area that's clearly visible and not on the same page as ten or twenty other banner ads
4. Free Traffic Exchange
This too has been labeled passé and ineffective but it works and banner ads are perfect for traffic exchanges. You know of course that for every site you surf you accumulate some type of credit. You can then exchange however many credits you choose for banner impressions (your web site banner displayed on another site within the exchange). Why is this so effective? On average, click thru rates of traffic exchange banners are greater than banner only exchanges. This is one of the great secrets of traffic exchanges that can boost your internet business considerably.
Web banner advertising is not extinct. Like anything else you must go about using it correctly. Offer something for free, do your homework when it comes to free exchanges and paid ads while utilizing the hidden goldmine of traffic exchanges. In the end you will find that web banner advertising, far from being a relic of the past, is still very much alive and profitable.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Pay As You Go Mobile Phones - No longer cheap and nasty.
In the past if you wanted to get the latest and flashiest mobile phones you’d have to either lock yourself into a lengthy contract or spend upwards of £300 if you were on pay-as-you-go.
But with the mobile phone industry moving along as fast as it is, now is the perfect time to bag a good deal on a cheap mobile phone.
First of all, mobile phones have now evolved from simply a telephone to digital camera all the way through to a replacement for practically all the personal devices we carry on us - MP3 players, cameras, even laptops.
And these aren’t new cutting-edge technologies, they’re fast becoming global standards with practically all mobile phones on the market today.
What does this mean for the consumer? Well, it means that mobile phones with all these features are coming down in price, not only on contract but also for Pay As You Go mobile phone customers. The following are a selection of sub-£100 phones from the major handset brands.
Nokia has long been one of the most popular handset brands and has a wide range of handsets catering to different tastes.
The 1600 is a basic phone with colour screen and MP3 ringtones which can be bought on pay-as-you-go for as little as £19.99. While it is basic in terms of its features, another phone for £80 is the 5300. This phone has more impressive features, such as a 1.3 megapixel camera for basic on-the-go photos, MP3 player functionality, with the ability to take MicroSD memory cards to expand space for both of these functions.
Samsung has also been a popular handset manufacturer in recent years, as well as being a trusted brand in other areas such as televisions. The compact M300 is a stylish clamshell design phone with, again, a basic camera but also FM radio and tri-band calling abilities making it usable when travelling abroad to places like America. At just under £40 it is very appealing.
In keeping with Samsung’s very stylised design, the E900 is a sleek sliding phone, with touch-sensitive buttons on the face that light up when the phone is active. It also packs a 2 megapixel camera, the industry standard at the moment, and also takes the aforementioned MicroSD cards and can be used as a MP3 player. All this and it only weighs 93 grams. At just under £90 its looks alone seem to be worth more.
Motorola, like Nokia, is one of the longest-serving mobile manufacturers and can draw upon lots of experience in the field. In recent years Motorola has become synonymous with making slim and stylish clamshell phones, with some ultra-thin standard handsets too.
The KRZR K1 fits this mould exactly: a narrow clamshell design houses an MP3 player, GPRS internet and a 1.3 megapixel camera that also can record video. At £79 you get an ultra-sleek phone which appeals to the technical crowd as well as the fashionistas.
SonyEricsson was formed from two of the most recognisable tech firms in recent years: Sony and Ericsson. The former Sony brings its experience with cameras and portable music to the table, while Ericsson is well-known for its mobile phones.
As a result, the new company has garnered much respect for the amount of features crammed into each phone: Sony’s Walkman and CyberShot brands help elevate their phones such as the W810i, a Walkman-branded phone which has excellent MP3 playing functions, but also a 2 megapixel camera and expandable memory using Sony’s Memory Stick Duo cards.
At £79.99 it stuffs a lot of specs into a small phone. The K800i is similarly priced but offers more digital camera abilities, plus an impressive 3.2 megapixel camera with Xeon flash. The phone itself has a large screen and is 3G compatible, so video calls can be made via the small pinhole camera on the front of the phone.
These are just a selection of handsets from the main established handset manufacturers. It is by no means a definitive list and mobile phone prices are constantly dropping as new handsets are released. Furthermore, there are other companies entering the fray, such as LG and networks like O2 releasing their own range.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
A Guide to Face Book-1
Social networking site Facebook might be a new to the scene, but this site which allow users to create profiles complete with pictures, commentary, and links to others, have become a major online presence. Face book offer users an easy way to keep track of old friends, find new ones, and advertise their popularity by listing and ranking the ones they already have. It make friendship more convenient and offer ways for the like-minded to congregate in virtual space.
Unlike earlier online communities such as GeoCities, which were organized around virtual neighborhoods, one's entree into the social networking world of Face book is through revelation of personal information. Here, the arbiters of Facebook community geographic location, school, occupation have effect on relationships.
Facebook.com informations enables people with common affiliations to network with one another. Launched as a destination for college students to connect with one another, the site has expanded to include companies, professional networks and geographic regions. Facebook, the Internet’s second-largest social network, has over the last year it has opened its dorm-room doors to all, and its membership rolls have exploded at triple-digit growth rates.
Facebook is the second largest social network on the web - here you'll find all about The Facebook. Facebook is the second largest social network on the web - here you'll find Face Book tips and tricks.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Web Hosting and Web Site Launch!
A web site is the most effective as well as cost effective way to advertise about your product and company in the large global market. There are many web hosting companies providing world class Internet base to our customers along with other web hosting services like, website design and email service.
Why web hosting service?
Web hosting service is the service which will launch your website on the World Wide Web and make you available to the online users as well. There are two kinds of web hosting services, the ones which can be availed free of cost, and the ones which are paid web hosting services. A free web hosting service, as the name suggests, is the web hosting service which will launch your company website without paying any fees to the service provider but the website of the company will be, in that case, bound to present the advertisement and banners of the web hosting company. A free web hosting service is greatly liked by customers but it has limitations which make it less preferable. These limitations are basically the limited disk space and limited data transfer.
A paid web hosting service is then a better option. However, if you are a small business organization and do not want spend much funds on website hosting free web hosting will be a better option.
For organizations which have enough resources to concentrate on extended website design, they must opt for paid web hosting service as it will allow their website more space, as it will be given more advanced services by the web hosting service provider. However, if you wish to spend a handsome amount of money on web hosting, make sure you get the top web hosting service for your organization. A good website will be an impressive introduction to the company and so, make sure your company website not only looks perfect but it is also well managed. A web hosting service should not only launch you in the global Internet world but it should also manage it well after it is launched. Web site management is one of the functions which require great efficiency and skill.
Find the best web host for yourself
Get hold of a company which gives you best services at modest prices. Find the best web hosting service for your company website and this is possible if you properly analyze web hosting reviews of various web hosting companies. You must make a sound decision on the basis of reviews if you wish to get the top web hosting service.
There are various kinds of web hosting services like shared web hosting service, reseller web hosting, server space and bandwidth service. A good server space is required for loading sufficient information to the website by adding a sufficient number of webpages to the website, whereas shared web hosting service is required to maintain links and hyper links on the webpages of the website. So take sufficient time to decide the best web hosting service for your organization’s website.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Email Marketing Software gives MySpace Artists an Extra Edge!
The competition for attention on MySpace is intense. Each band, musician, artist, comedian, actor, etc, is vying for attention and aiming to stand out from the crowd. But, with so many pages (and so many more being added all the time), it can be very difficult to break through the clutter.
Many artists on MySpace have started to discover the benefits of building a MySpace mailing list. This means they place a signup box on their profile and let their fans, friends and family signup to receive special email newsletters, notifications of new releases, show dates, etc. While these artists still have to get fans to their page to signup, once they have captured their fans" information, these artists can send fans targeted email campaigns that take place off of the MySpace universe and away from some of that clutter.
With the right email marketing software, this can be very easy to accomplish. After all, these artists need to focus on their craft. And although "marketing manager" is a hat that many artists must wear, the management aspect should never overshadow their core creative focus. Most email marketing software solutions require little to no technical skills, so anyone can dive in head first and start creating professional email marketing campaigns within a few minutes.
The key towards making email marketing effective for the MySpace artist is to build the biggest mailing list you possibly can. Many artists have realized that placing their MySpace mailing list signup box higher on their profile produces far greater results than burying it deep on their pages. Also, in an effort to put their MySpace mailing list growth on turbo, many artists have started including tag lines in their private messages, saying something to the effect of "Join my MySpace Mailing List by visiting our profile". Since many artists on MySpace (in this case, they can be referred to as your competitors) haven"t realized the value of a MySpace mailing list, this is your opportunity to get an extra edge. When you couple that with some easy-to-use email marketing software that offers lots of template options so your create juices can flow, you rapidly move yourself into a whole different league, way ahead of the competition.
Once you have built your MySpace mailing list, you can put your email marketing software to work in a variety of ways. Many bands have discovered that sending out an email marketing blast to their mailing list announcing a new song they have released can heavily boost the amount of ‘plays" it receives on their profile. Your MySpace mailing list can also be used to pack a concert crowd, as most email marketing software solutions will let you send out invitation-type emails, where you can invite all of your mailing list subscribers to attend your event - whether it is a concert, comedy night, art show, etc.
Some artists are harnessing the power of their email marketing software and MySpace mailing list even more and have started to promote their merchandise through targeted email campaigns. If you have an online store, you can use your emails to showcase your latest product offerings and give your mailing list subscribers one-click access to make a purchase. Not all MySpace artists have merchandise to sell, but even if you"re thinking about it, it"s good to know the variety of options you have after you have successfully built your MySpace mailing list.
One very important issue that needs to be addressed is spam. Anytime you are launching email marketing campaigns, the issue of unsolicited email (UCE) must be brought into play. Most email marketing software programs will confirm your subscriber"s intent to join your mailing list, so a large part of this is handled automatically for you. In this process, once fans fill out their information on your MySpace profile, they receive a confirmation email with a special link they must click. Once they click this link, it confirms they want to be added to your mailing list. (This is referred to as ‘double opt-in" or ‘closed loop".) Where MySpace artists can run into trouble is if they start randomly adding people to their mailing list who have not expressly requested to be on their list. Just because your bass player knew someone 10 years ago in high school, that does not give you the right to automatically add them to your MySpace mailing list. While email marketing software can be very powerful towards helping you achieve your goals, it"s important that you don"t inadvertently send out spam and cause unnecessary headaches.
MySpace provides an excellent platform to get exposure on an international scale. When your MySpace profile is coupled with a MySpace mailing list and email marketing software, you can rise above the crowd and get more face-time in front of your fans. This leverage can go a long way towards achieving your goals, whether they are increased traffic to your page, more plays of a song, more people attending your show, or anything else you may be seeking.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Email Marketing Software gives MySpace Artists an Extra Edge!
The competition for attention on MySpace is intense. Each band, musician, artist, comedian, actor, etc, is vying for attention and aiming to stand out from the crowd. But, with so many pages (and so many more being added all the time), it can be very difficult to break through the clutter.
Many artists on MySpace have started to discover the benefits of building a MySpace mailing list. This means they place a signup box on their profile and let their fans, friends and family signup to receive special email newsletters, notifications of new releases, show dates, etc. While these artists still have to get fans to their page to signup, once they have captured their fans" information, these artists can send fans targeted email campaigns that take place off of the MySpace universe and away from some of that clutter.
With the right email marketing software, this can be very easy to accomplish. After all, these artists need to focus on their craft. And although "marketing manager" is a hat that many artists must wear, the management aspect should never overshadow their core creative focus. Most email marketing software solutions require little to no technical skills, so anyone can dive in head first and start creating professional email marketing campaigns within a few minutes.
The key towards making email marketing effective for the MySpace artist is to build the biggest mailing list you possibly can. Many artists have realized that placing their MySpace mailing list signup box higher on their profile produces far greater results than burying it deep on their pages. Also, in an effort to put their MySpace mailing list growth on turbo, many artists have started including tag lines in their private messages, saying something to the effect of "Join my MySpace Mailing List by visiting our profile". Since many artists on MySpace (in this case, they can be referred to as your competitors) haven"t realized the value of a MySpace mailing list, this is your opportunity to get an extra edge. When you couple that with some easy-to-use email marketing software that offers lots of template options so your create juices can flow, you rapidly move yourself into a whole different league, way ahead of the competition.
Once you have built your MySpace mailing list, you can put your email marketing software to work in a variety of ways. Many bands have discovered that sending out an email marketing blast to their mailing list announcing a new song they have released can heavily boost the amount of ‘plays" it receives on their profile. Your MySpace mailing list can also be used to pack a concert crowd, as most email marketing software solutions will let you send out invitation-type emails, where you can invite all of your mailing list subscribers to attend your event - whether it is a concert, comedy night, art show, etc.
Some artists are harnessing the power of their email marketing software and MySpace mailing list even more and have started to promote their merchandise through targeted email campaigns. If you have an online store, you can use your emails to showcase your latest product offerings and give your mailing list subscribers one-click access to make a purchase. Not all MySpace artists have merchandise to sell, but even if you"re thinking about it, it"s good to know the variety of options you have after you have successfully built your MySpace mailing list.
One very important issue that needs to be addressed is spam. Anytime you are launching email marketing campaigns, the issue of unsolicited email (UCE) must be brought into play. Most email marketing software programs will confirm your subscriber"s intent to join your mailing list, so a large part of this is handled automatically for you. In this process, once fans fill out their information on your MySpace profile, they receive a confirmation email with a special link they must click. Once they click this link, it confirms they want to be added to your mailing list. (This is referred to as ‘double opt-in" or ‘closed loop".) Where MySpace artists can run into trouble is if they start randomly adding people to their mailing list who have not expressly requested to be on their list. Just because your bass player knew someone 10 years ago in high school, that does not give you the right to automatically add them to your MySpace mailing list. While email marketing software can be very powerful towards helping you achieve your goals, it"s important that you don"t inadvertently send out spam and cause unnecessary headaches.
MySpace provides an excellent platform to get exposure on an international scale. When your MySpace profile is coupled with a MySpace mailing list and email marketing software, you can rise above the crowd and get more face-time in front of your fans. This leverage can go a long way towards achieving your goals, whether they are increased traffic to your page, more plays of a song, more people attending your show, or anything else you may be seeking.
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Monday, November 26, 2007