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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Business and Consumer >>>>>

People are still confused about the utility of two way radios in a professional environment. It is important to note that though two way radios have similar features and look almost alike, consumer radios are relatively cheaper than the ones used in the professional environment. It is difficult to differentiate between consumer and business two way radios most of the times. The main difference between these different kinds of two way radios is its frequency.
There are 22 UHF frequencies that have been set aside by the Federal communication Commission (FCC) for use by consumer two way radios. All these channels together comprise the FRS (Family Radio Service) and GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) channels. One requires an FCC license to use GMRS channels. This license is valid for five years and can be used by an entire family. It is not issued to professional concerns. For business two way radios, each person has to pay an individual amount to obtain the FCC license to use GMRS channels. FRS channels can be used without a license, but their transmission range will be very low (as low as half a mile). The FCC has approved a different set of frequency ranges for business two way radios. Some business radios also operate on VHF frequencies. Since these channels are less common, privacy issues, interference and cross connections are rare. The amount paid to obtain the FCC license for business two way radios is higher than what is paid for a GMRS license, and the cost of the instrument is also on the higher side. The usage patterns of the two types of radios too differs drastically.
Consumer radios are used infrequently. They are used mostly during family outings and vacations, like on weekend hunting trips, amusement parks, camping and skiing and also multiple car caravans. On the other hand, business radios are used continuously for hours everyday. Hence, in terms of physical appearance and durability, business two way radios are certainly more durable than consumer radios and are designed to be used in rough conditions as well.

6 $ into 14 798 $ in 30 days with paypal

How to make $6.00 into $15,000.00 in 30 days!It Will Work… If you do as I have done! Just Do It! follow the 4 steps…Steps: Follow the Logic, Just Do it and It will work… $$$ in 4 easy steps…
1. Set Up a Free Paypal Account.
2. Send $1.00 to six Email Accounts fromyour Paypal Account
3. Delete email address nr1 and add your email address asnr6. Move all others #2-#6 up one number
4. Copy and Post this entire Letterto Newsgroups, Messages Boards etc…Copy this exactly for you guidance to completing steps 1-4.
Youmay have even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of questionsabout this scheme the answer is yes it does work and yes it is safe to useproviding you follow the rules it is legal and has made a big hit on theinternet this year. If you would like to take part in this scheme or wouldlike a bit more information then please see the attached file that waskindly donated to us. Thank you for using PayPal!"TURN $6 INTO $15,000 IN ONLY 30 DAYS...HERES HOW! This is a Money Scheme andNot, I repeat… This is Not a Scam!!!You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as20/20 and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal.If not, here it is below - revealed to you in step-by-step detail. Thisprogram is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for atleast a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time andeffort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars.
However thanks toPayPal and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what'smore, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it hasEVER been! Below is the email sent to me:How to Turn $6 into $15,000 in 30 Days with PayPal I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAWHOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT I turned $6 into $14,706within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about toreveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the followinginstructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return! STILLNEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals whodecided to invest nothing more than $6 and half an hour of their time toparticipate in this program:"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago, andalthough I haven't made 15 grand yet, I'm already up to $9,135. I'mabsolutely gob smacked." -Pam Whittemore , Ohio"Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40 e-mail's out like yousaid and then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be honest, I didn'treally think anything would come of it. But when I checked my paypal accounta week later, there was over $5,000 in After 30 days I now have over $11,000to spend! I can't thank you enough!"-Juan Tovar, NY,NY"I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my paypalaccount. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $12,449. Atfirst I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!" -RichardBarrie , Boulder,COThe only things you will need are: An email address.
A Business PayPalaccount with at least $6 deposited in it, and just 15 to 30 minutes of yourtime. This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there isabsolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutelyNOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you cangenerate from this one single business program.Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below andthen prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!Here's what you need to do. . .REQUIREMENTS#1) an email address #2) a Premier or Business PayPal account(It's simple and free to get a Premier or Business account, if you need helpdoing it just email me.)Now follow the steps:
1-4________________________________________Follow these easy steps EXACTLY and just watch what happensSTEP #1 - Setting up your FREE PayPal AccountIt's extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE PayPal account! Copy andpaste this to the address bar (notice the secure"https" within the link)Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not just aPERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit cardpayments from other people.STEP #
2 - Sending PayPal money "It is an undeniable law of the universe thatwe must first give in order to receive."Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of PayPal to each of the sixemail addresses listed below. After setting up your free paypal account andconfirming or verifying YOUR ACCOUNT AND putting (six Dollars) $6.00 intoyour Paypal Account use the Account tab on Paypal to send $1.00 to each ofthe Names on the List then move the top one and place yours in the #6 spoton the list of names #1-#6. Remember your name becomes #6.Make sure the subject of the payment says... *PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAILLIST* (this keeps the program 100% legal.. so please don't forget!)Note:
You are creating a service! ABusiness… An Email List Service BusinessIf you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of theUnited States Postal laws.STEP #3 - Adding Your Email AddressAfter you send your six $1.00 payments, it's your turn to add your emailaddress to the list!Take the #1) email off the list that you see above, move the other addressesup one (6 becomes 5 & 5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, 2 becomes 1,your email becomes #6) put YOUR email address (the one used in your PayPalaccount) as #6) on the list.**MAKE SURE THE EMAIL YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN YOUR PAYPALACCOUNT.**STEP #4 - Copy Message to 200 Newgroups, message boards,etc…… The Pure Joyof Receiving PayPal Money!________________________________________You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 200newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money youmake - as well as everyone else on the list! In this situation your job isto let as many people see this letter as possible. So they will make you andme rich!!!! You can even start posting the moment your email is confirmed.Payments will still appear in your PayPal account even while your bankaccount is being confirmed.
HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS & MESSAGE BOARDSStep #1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your ownposting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and dragyour CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the editmenu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporarymemory.Step #2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of theblank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy ofthe letter into notepad so that you can add your email to the list. Or copyto a Word Document. and Place in the email upon completion.Step #3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do yourpostings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.Step #4)
Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for variousnewsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites,discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to anysearch engine like,,, - thensearch with subjects like? millionaire message board? or money makingmessage board? or opportunity message board? or money making discussions? orbusiness bulletin board? or money making forum? etc.
You will find thousands& thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find theoption to post a new message.Step #5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new messageby highlighting the text of this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone seesas they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click thepost message button. You're done with your first one!Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is jump to differentnewsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about30 seconds for each newsgroup!REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS AND/OR MESSAGE BOARDS YOU POST IN, THE MOREMONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200**That's it! You will begin receiving money within days!**JUST MAKE SURE THE EMAIL YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS ON PAYPAL.**Explanation of why it works so well:$$$$$ NOW THE WHY PART: Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (avery low example).
So then I Made $5.00 with my email at #6 on the letter.Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200postings, each with my email at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of theoriginal 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200MINIMUM posts with my email at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring inan additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post theMINIMUM 200 with my email at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will makean additional $625.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my email at #2 and they only receive5 replies that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will alldeliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my email at #1 and if still 5persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625.00! With an originalinvestment of only $6.00! AMAZING!! When your email is no longer on thelist, you just take latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another$6.00 to emails on the list, putting your email at number 6 again. And startposting again.
The thing to remember is, thousands of people all over the world are joiningthe internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!So can you afford $6?? And see if it really works?? I think so? People havesaid, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So whatare the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest usersand new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everydayand are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 newusers everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. This really isn'tanother one of those crazy scams! As long as people follow through withsending out $6.00, it works!With warm wishes, God bless you and your loved ones,

How to Explain the Google Adsense Program to Others!

We’re not talking about strangers here. For the strangers that visit your site, your content will have to do all the talking for you.
But for the people in your daily life, the ones you want to click on your referral button, the ones you want to read and comment on your blog; these are the ones you want to be able to enlighten about the Google Adsense program.First, excitement breeds excitement. Get excited about your new venture and others will too.
Learn everything you can about the Google Adsense program, not only will this increase your earnings, but you’ll be better equipped to explain the mechanics of the program to others.Show them the money. There’s nothing like a little proof to make a believer out of someone. You don’t have to wait until you’re making thousands per month, although that’s a healthy goal. But even a small deposit in your piggy bank is enough to intrigue most people. Can’t you just count those referrals now?

Friday, September 28, 2007

There is More to Blogging then Just Money-->

I done about a weeks worth of research on blogging. I read 30 to 25 articles and numerous forum searches on blogging. There are two points that amazed me as I did this research. One, most people using blogging for network marketing purposes think only about making money off of blogging. Second, how many network marketers are not using it.Blogging first started out like a diary were you could type out your thoughts, and then it moved to more personnel interaction with your friends and companions. It is now and will continue to move full steam as a new marketing tool for all types of business. Just other quick note before we move onto the good stuff; these are rough numbers I calculated and have no scientific proof.
There is 25 to 30% higher chance people will click on a link in a blog to your business opportunity. Some of my research had this percentage higher; I have a tough time believing it. My research also found that people where 10 to 15% more likely to JOIN your business through a blog. Some, very interesting stats. Here are some reasons I think these percentages are possible:
1) SimplicityBlogging is FREE and easy to start. Anyone can do it! You start typing your thoughts just like using a pen and paper. How easy can it be? Anything that is free to a network marketer is GOLD. The blog sites are not intrusive to the reader. For the most part blog sites are just word content and nothing else which makes it easy to get your business information across. Thus you can keep the readers attention for longer.
2) Builds a CommunityThis is one area I feel most network marketers are missing. They can use there blog to communicate and help with duplication of their business through their blog. Most people are using to only promote products or their business. What an easy way for your downline or current prospects to gain TRUST and RESPECT in you, when you have a simple and easy way to communicate and help them duplicate what you are doing.
3) Builds CredibilityYou are seen as the expert, the one with the most influence. This will allow other bloggers to add your link to their sites and an increase interest in your blog. This credibility takes time but it will be well worth the wait. Tip - To have this credibility develop quicker make sure you post every TWO days, if not every day!Here are some quick tips on promoting your blog:1) Blog daily this helps in Search Engine rankings2) Visit other blogs and put your link in the message3) Ping your blog after every entry
4) Submit your blog to blog submission sites
5) Put your blog URL in a your signature boxI hope you can have a slightly different few to why blogging is just more then to make money. If you establish the trust, respect and credibility, the money will come in hand over fist.

5 Steps to Making Money Through Blogging!!!

Through my exploits on the internet I have found that it is almost impossible to find truly good advice on how to become a successful Money Blogger. I have taken the liberty of going through these experiences myself and put them together in one simplified list so you may adapt it to your own situation and apply it to make money.Step
1:First you will want to start your own blog! If you don\\\'t already have one, make sure to go to Blogger and make your own free blog.Step
2:Write about what I like to call \\\"Hot Topics\\\" like technology, government and politics, environment, self help, dating, more blogging, and many more.Step
3:Promote! Submit your new blog to search engines, forums, article marketing sites (listed in my links!), and any other free promotion site you can find.Step
4:Take advantage of Google\\\'s AdSense! It\\\'s free and will be the biggest money maker for your Blog! It is easy to integrate and will help generate your extra income. The AdSense link is listed to the right in my links section.Step
5:Be Patient! Getting your traffic can take a bit of time, even with the help of my links and articles. The traffic driven to your site is under your control by how much effort you put into your Blog and how much time you dedicate to promoting your site.
I suggest you repeat step 4 for every post on your blog to make sure your message is getting out there!I hope that these simple steps can get you on your way to being your own boss or making some extra money on the side besides your day job, so have fun monetizing your blog and good luck!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Online Jobs -Blast your think

The idea of online home working is gaining a lot of popularity among people of all age groups. Whether a teen or an older person, a man or a housewife, everybody can find a job of his/her caliber. One has to have a basic know how of using a PC and surfing the internet.The rate of PC usage has increased exponentially over the past few years and is still on the rise specially in the developed countries like US, Japan and UK etc.
but the interesting point to note here is that although the PC usage percentage is high in these countries, the number of PC users is increasing more rapidly in some developing countries specially China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh but if these figures are divided by the total population of these countries, it will still be on a much lower side as these countries have rich population, a large portion being in the rural areas.
These countries have strongly reacted to the concept of online working as the unemployment rate is quite high in these counties and one can easily find a suitable candidate in order to complete a project.The point is simple! Labor in developed countries like US, UK, Japan etc. is very expensive. On the other hand the developing countries like Pakistan, India and Filipina have high unemployment rates and therefore the labor is very cheap as compared with that of the developed countries.
People from these developing countries therefore moved to the developed ones in order to find themselves a job. Though this trend is still being followed, people can now avail the opportunity of getting a foreign job by sitting at his home.This is what “online jobs” is all about. One needs to have a PC with an internet connection. In this way one can work for different employers no matter where in the world do they belong and get good returns.

Make money from home by auto surfing!!

Auto surfing has become the new way to make money from home. The concept revolves around surfing various sites every day, in return for getting paid. Auto surfing has proven to be a great way to earn high income each month.How it worksThe idea behind auto surfing is very simple.
The site you sign up for will ask you to surf their site – a certain minimum number of pages each day. Then in exchange for this you get commissions. This is a great way to make money from home. In fact it is as simple as logging into a website, clicking on the ‘begin surfing’ button and navigate through numerous pages each day. How much money can I expect?The potential in auto surfing is huge. Many will even offer you compensation just to join their site. However even though the bonus offered for joining is just around 10 dollars, it is still well worth it. The prospect to make money from home is substantial through auto surfing.
In fact the more pages you surf the more money you can earn. Usually most auto surf companies will pay you anywhere from 0.75% to even 20% interest depending on the investment you have put it. Thus in a lot of ways the amount you can make money from home purely depends on the effort and investment you’re ready to put in. Why is it so great?Auto surfing is great because you get much more than what you’ve invested. Thus this provides for a great way to make money from home while also realizing ROI quicker. All it takes is just a few minutes each day – for which you will get paid huge amounts.
You don’t need to have any technical knowledge before starting out – which makes this great for novices. Thus anyone from a school child to a senior citizen can make money from home with auto surfing. The auto surf industry generally prefers to avoid usage of credit cards. This can be advantageous to people who have just bank accounts. Thus it increases the scope to make money from home easily. With auto surfing you can even advertise your own website or others you are affiliates of. This increases the potential to make money from home in many ways. The best thing?
You can work from almost anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection. As long as you are prepared to login at least once every day you can definitely start to make money from home with auto surfing. Also since the surfing happens automatically (you can even surf up to 20 sites at a time) – you can be doing anything at that time and hence save on time. Learning the tricks to auto surf is easy as there are numerous resources, tutorials and training centers on the web. This way, anyone can start to make money from home easily using auto surfing. If you’re looking to make money from home, then all you need to do is look around for the right opportunity. If you love the Internet then auto surfing is a great way to earn some extra money for that much needed vacation. Visit Make Money now and discover how to make money on the Internet.

We Treat You Fairly When We Buy Houses lets face it!

Let’s face it: investors have a reputation sometimes for being predatory in their selling methodologies and in the way they approach people. Perhaps this is because investors have a quota for sales to meet regularly, so they feel pressured to sell homes and other real estate properties as quick as they can to the nearest available buyer. But what if the investor approaches you with this offer: “we treat you fairly when we buy houses”? Would you be startled? Of course! What a switch, we might say – they not only want to buy your home, but they promise to treat you fairly!Well, believe it or not, there are really investors who promise fair treatment to all who listen to their marketing spiel “we buy houses for quick cash” which as of late has been transformed to “we treat you fairly when we buy houses”.
Not only will such investors offer to buy your home regardless of the amount of equity remaining in it, or the condition it is in, but they promise to make the process of selling your home as painless as possible, because “we buy houses for quick cash”. Cash money talks and it talks big in the real estate industry, where homes can be put up on the market for a long time yet merit no more than a few cursory visits by tepid potential buyers. If your investor tells you “we buy houses for quick cash”, that is nothing to laugh at. That is actually a boon for you – particularly if you need cash money badly.Some investors will even go as far as finding the appropriate financing for future buyers of the homes that they have on their roster. So “we buy houses for quick cash” later turns into ads stating “we sell affordable homes, and may even provide financing for you”
. Appropriate financing is a must for people who are on a fixed income, are starting out in their respective careers, who must juggle other financial responsibilities (like car payments) in addition to buying a new house; or are still getting their education. These investors who tell you “we buy houses for quick cash” will later tell the public “we sell homes at affordable prices” – because basically that is how they make a living. If you are looking for an affordable home, consider buying a second-hand home (meaning one that has been lived in by another family or couple before) because it costs less, and may have the features that you are looking for.It is always hard finding someone you can trust (in any business actually.)
But don’t go around thinking that all investors are out to get you. There are still good eggs in the bunch who will grant you a good deal (whether you are buying or selling a piece of property.) So look for investors who will not only tell you “we buy houses for quick cash” but also follow up that statement with “and we will treat you fairly when we buy houses”.

Buying & Selling on Real Estate Virtually%

The world is moving fast and technology has shrunk hours of works into minutes. We can withdraw cash, wash clothes, send messages and even cook food, all at the press of a button.
Internet has a major role in pacing up our lives almost on every front. The emerging virtual world of the real estate is a good example of it. People prefer to search for a product online before they actually buy it and it applies to property search as well.
Online property search is catching up fast, be it a residential or a commercial plot, building, flat or office space. A customer can view all the options available on the internet and shortlist those which are relevant to his needs.
So for people, who want to sell or rent property, it’s an advantage to be on the internet because-
• It’s a cost effective medium as compared to other advertising mediums like the newspaper or the TV.
• Gives you more space to describe your property than a print media classified ad where you are being charged for each column centimeter.
• You ad has a longer life on the net and can be viewed for months unlike a newspaper ad, which fails to survive beyond one day.
• Buyers from any part of the country can view your ad thus increasing the reach of your ad exponentially.
One such website where you can advertise your property for selling and renting or want to search property for buying is It’s the leading real estate website of India where you will find the latest news on Indian real estate, home finance and NRI services.
Here are some tips on buying and selling property offered by the team of
Tips on Selling-

• Decide a selling price for your home that would give you some profit but don’t overprice it at the same time. Too much of overpricing will drive away prospective buyers and your property might remain unsold in the market for a long time, eventually losing it’s appeal and people may not want to buy it later on.
• Make the entrance of your house tidy and attractive as it will create a good impression on the buyer’s mind when he comes to visit your house.
• Involving a property dealer is a good thing to do as they have hands on experience in getting these deals done and they are aware of all the legal formalities involved.
• If you have time on your hands, put your home for sale at least 3-6 months before you want to move. This won’t let you settle down for a hurried deal and won’t let a buyer take undue advantage of your haste.

Tips on Buying-

• Before you begin searching for a house, you not only need to keep in mind your current needs but also consider your future prospects. How long do you plan to stay in that house? Will a need for more space generate in the future? And so on.
• Do a check for leakages, dampness of walls, drainage system, water and electricity supply, water logging etc. of the house you are planning to buy.
• Create a list of good and bad points along with the prices of all the houses you have visited and rate them accordingly before finalizing one home you will buy.
• It’s good to involve a real estate professional when getting into property deals because they are aware of the risks involved and know how to handle property deals. But choose your home yourself as you’ll be living in it, so even if it takes a little long to find the ideal home, let your word be the last word.

Tips for Getting the Best Work From Your Graphic Designer

A graphic designer's goal is to provide you with the logos, artwork and page designs that best fit your business, personality, industry, and target market and conveys your offerings and differentiators.
The experience of reaching that goal can be extremely smooth and pleasant if you know what to expect upfront, and if you understand that you do need to work with your designer, as opposed to just letting them loose to create with little input.
To assure that the experience you and your designer have is productive and successful, our last article, "13 Tips for Finding a Graphic Designer" offers insight, definitions, and advice on beginning the relationship. Once you've selected the designer with whom you feel most comfortable:1. Communicate, communicate, communicate!
Clarity and understanding are key to a good working relationship. Keep in mind that most designers tend to be highly visual people, so communication may be ever so slightly difficult. Have patience, and use all of the other tips in this section to facilitate your communication.
2. And, be clear about what you mean. If you're using vague words and adjectives, or jargon, such as saying that you want your logo to look "sweet", keep talking and explaining what you mean until you're both sure you understand each other. People come from many different backgrounds and experiences, so clarity is vital.
3. Ask what information your designer needs, and do the homework! Without good background information, we really can't create the best designs for you. You know your business best, so the input that you bring to the project is really the most expert information that's available. The more informative your answers are, the better the designs.
4. Don't be afraid to sketch if you have an idea that you find difficult to describe. Even if you can only draw stick figures, sketching is often a more direct means of communication with visual designers. We understand that this is not what you do, and we won't make fun of you! In fact, the added level of communication is invaluable-it bridges the gap between our visual minds and your explanation.
5. Ask questions when you're confused, as opposed to becoming frustrated. We may also use terms you're not familiar with. And many creative types "jump ahead" unintentionally in their logic; we don't want to leave you behind, and are happy to elaborate. Just call us on it!
6. Remember to give constructive feedback. Specify what you like and don't like about the concepts presented. The more explicit the information you provide, the better the outcome of the project. Keep in mind that the most helpful part about constructive feedback is the element of encouragement.
7. If you plan to bring your friends and clients into the design process to provide input, it's best to let your designer know, and as early as possible. Being ambushed by the client's friends or family at the last stage in the process, or after committing to a direction, is often disheartening to the designer. As artists, we tend to fall in love (a bit!) with our designs.
8. Keep in mind who your target audience really is if you do bring friends and family into the design process. Pardon my brashness, but if you're selling to Asian businessmen, but your caucasian, housewife friend doesn't like your logo, it may not be a problem with the logo. A design often won't be as effective outside of your target market-and that may be where your friend's feedback is coming from.
9. If you start working with your designer, and their process isn't working, then let them know! Many designers would be happy to modify their process to fit your needs. Just be as specific as possible about what's not working-do you need to see color earlier in the process, or see more of the full design-let your designer know that you need additional help, or, if you know what's wrong, how they can help!You need to have a good working relationship, to understand each other well, and to constantly communicate to make sure the graphics that are produced are perfect for your business. Beginning the process with someone with whom you are comfortable, cooperating throughout the process and communicating effectively will provide the right solution for your professional face to your customers.

Tips for Finding a Graphic Designer

Are you ready to hire someone to design your logo, collaterals, or artwork for your website? Well, here's just the information you need to get the best results from hiring your first (or your first successful) graphic designer.To assure that we begin on the same page, a graphic designer designs your marketing materials - the print- and web-ready art which are then turned over to a printer or coded for the web for the final outcome. Some of their vocabulary can be foreign to you, and their processes may not be familiar either. We'll address that and more with these tactics.
This advice gives you the essentials for hiring the right person for this critical project. The more qualified the designer, and the better the match between you and your designer will lead to more appealing final designs. the more professional you and your business will look.1. Look at their work samples. Many designers offer a portfolio of samples either on their website, by email as a PDF, or in a hard-copy format.
When you review these, look for a general design style that you like, not necessarily whether they have lots of experience within your particular industry.
In fact, deep experience within an industry isn't necessarily the best thing when you want a designer to put a fresh visual spin on your business and your issues.
2. Make sure they've actually done the work in their portfolio. This is especially true if you're reviewing design companies or firms. Make sure that the designers who are still on staff created the work that you really admire.Where this can come into play with solo designers is if the portfolio isn't clear about their involvement in the development of all the design elements. For example, if they're showing a brochure design or a website in their portfolio, but you love the logo; make sure that they created the logo before hiring them.And, ask what the client's involvement in the design of that logo is-if the client came to the designer with a sketch of the logo already created, then the logo may not be reproducible by the designer or firm alone.
3. Talk to the designer. Having an actual conversation with them can really help for two reasons:To make sure you can communicate well with each other. If you each have very similar styles of communication, levels of energy, or enthusiasm about the project, then the project will most likely run very smoothly (or has a great potential for success). Also, make sure that you each understand what the other is saying-having similar definitions for concepts is amazingly helpful. When you don't understand something, ask questions! To see if the two of you "gel" together. You'll be working closely, so make sure that you get along! If you don't like their personalities or vice-versa, then the relationship will most likely become strained and difficult.
4. Review their skills. This becomes especially important if you're hiring a web designer-make sure the designer is qualified to provide you with all the technical components you'll need. For example, web coding, forms coding, HTML newsletter integration and Search Engine Optimization are all somewhat technical fields that not all designers can deliver. Make sure you'll be able to get what you need.
5. Check their references. If you really like a particular project in their portfolio, see if you can get that client's contact information. But, if the designer can't release it, that's not necessarily the worst sign-maybe the client prefers that their contact information be kept private. Or they've moved, and haven't told the designer how to get in touch with them. Be open to reasons why they may not be able to furnish a particular reference.
6. Learn about their processes. Find out how they plan to execute on the work that you'd like to have done. Ask what the designer needs you to do, what you'll be asked to review and approve, how decisions are made, and how they're made final. Make sure your designer is able to guide you through the design process, providing all the information you'll need along the way.
7. Check their turn-around time for replying to emails, sending quotes, and returning calls. Make sure that it's in line with the turn-around time that you expect throughout the project. Turn-around time here can also indicate the designer's level of excitement about your project. However, if it's a bit slow, make sure they weren't just out of their office at meetings for the day, or tied up in another deadline-understand that they're a small business as well, and the fact that they're busy is probably a sign of how effective they are for their clients!
8. Review the rights that they're selling to you. Make sure that you have the copyright and reproduction rights that you want. Think as far into the future as possible-you want to make sure that you'll have what you need as your business grows. You don't want to have to come back to your designer and re-negotiate your rights in a few years!
9. You may be tempted to ask for some sample designs for your specific project. This is known as work on "spec" (speculation) -having a designer do work without a guarantee of getting the project. While designers can understand your fears-what if you don't like the logo we develop, what if we don't "get" what you want, what if...Asking a designer to work on spec isn't very fair. The first round of designs on any project is the most time-consuming to create-it often consists of researching your company and your competitors, brainstorming on the creative side, and generating first ideas. You wouldn't ask a doctor to diagnose you before paying for his time, and then offer to pay him if you like the diagnosis-it's no more fair to do so with a designer.
10. Make sure that you'll get the deliverables you expect. Some designers don't plan to include final files in their deliverables to you-if you want to have the original files delivered to you along with printed collateral or the final files uploaded to your web server, make sure the designer knows that up-front. It may change the pricing.If you want to be able to edit the final files, make sure that the designer can deliver the files to you in a way that you can edit them. Realize that, depending on the software that you have, this may either limit the design or be impossible, but you probably won't get the files in the specific format you want unless you ask!And, if you envision having your final files in a particular format-such as having your letterhead in Microsoft Word-be sure to ask for that. Many designers don't consider Word files to be part of a standard set of deliverables.
11. Have a realistic schedule and check the designer's turnaround time. Allocate enough time for your project to be completed-rush jobs never turn out to be as good as they could be if enough time were allotted. An average logo project takes weeks, not days!Also, be sure that they have time available in their schedule to complete your project on your timeline. Check for upcoming vacations, and whether they work evenings and weekends if your timeline calls for that.
12. Make sure that you're both clear about revisions. Many designers include a set number of revisions in their project packages. Make sure that you understand what constitutes a revision, how many you'll get and what happens once they're all used up.
13. Get it in writing. A contract can help to lay out expectations for the project on both your end and the designer's. Once you have a contract from your designer, make sure to read it carefully-it will often state exactly what you're going to get out of the project, how you're expected to pay for designs, what you're paying for, and how to get out of the contract (in case you have to cancel the project for any reason). And, if it doesn't make things clear, ask the designer to elaborate for you.Following these steps gives you all of the background information you need for optimum results when hiring a designer. Use them as a reference when you review designer's websites, meet with, or interview your potential designer.
Understanding the process and expected outcome does wonders for a smooth transition from ideas to reality.

How To Use Solutions Marketing Techniques in Non-profit Funding??

How can you present your non-profit program to committees so they understand the benefit and impact in the community? Easy. Use customer success stories, i.e. case studies.What? Am I nuts? No, and this is why. All successful businesses look to not only their competitors, but to other sectors to see what is working. Adapting what is working and molding it to fit their situation.(I realize it may be difficult for you to think of your non-profit organization as a business. It is. It takes people and funding to operate. You must adapt a business mindset and use business terminology.
Do not have a disconnect with this information because of the business language used. Read this article. Adapt it to your goals and you WILL reap the benefits).Every day, case studies are used to provide customers proof that products and services work. They want to know about a solution before spending a dime. Case studies (testimonials, customer case histories, customer success stories) are the perfect way to get more marketing bang and show prospects a solution to their problem.
Case studies help generate needed publicity and solidify companies as a solution provider.Non-profits have customers (users of services), clients, and prospects - just like any other business. Customer successes presented in case studies show your solutions with impact. Case studies differ from fund raising letters, flyers and brochures. They are not the same marketing or pitch your prospects are used to.
They make a splash because they are narrative. They are short and sweet. And they stick around because they are different.Great case studies are based on problem-solution-result formats. They use a narrative story to tell of a problem. Put your reader in the customer’s shoes so they FEEL the problem. Let them relate and empathize. Then go on to tell of a solution provided and the results achieved. Use strong quotes from the customer to make it personal and real. A great case study shows how a specific situation was originally identified, what solution was selected for that problem, and a summary of the results. Short and to the point, case studies usually go no longer than 800 words or one to two pages.
Only include one graphic per page. More than one will make it hard to read. The result will not look well put together.Your headline should have a benefit driven headline. All good advertisements do.The structure of your case study should include the following parts: Your customer’s problem or challenge, a little background on your customer, the steps your customer took to find a solution, the discovery of your solution, the implementation of the solution to help solve the problem, and finally, the results.The problem your customer faced will depend individually on them and your service. Do not address more than one major problem. Space is limited. Use your customer’s own words to tell about their situation. Make it engaging and emotional.Tell who your customer is. Provide some background. Remember, you are weaving a story for your reader.
What other options did your customer try or investigate before you? Did they try any? What were the results?How was your organization and solution located? Through a story in the paper? A magazine? Were they referred to you?The solution to their problem is where you can start to strut your stuff. You need to be more educational than promotional. If you are you will reap the benefits. Remember to make every word count. Highlight the facts that matter most to your reader.How was your solution used? How did you make sure your customer was satisfied? Did you have any problems? Be honest. It’s perfectly alright and natural if things didn’t go exactly right. You stuck with it and achieved results.
It makes it more compelling. Being honest involves the reader in the story emotionally.Finish with the end result. How well did your organization perform? What was the impact in that person’s life? The community? Use exact numbers. Specifics are more believable than general terms like “a lot” or rounding. Did you supply 3.4 more meals to each child per week? Or supply $5689.34 in needed medical care? Stop the destruction of 5.6 acres of wetlands, saving 13 species of rare and endangered wildlife? What were they? Try to use very exact numbers and quotes where possible.
The results will be powerful. Great case studies are used as a reference piece by decision makers. Committees will site them as source documents making funding requests easier. The mileage you gain from just one great case study is incalculable. The results are not. You will notice a difference in your organization.Rewrite a compelling case study into a press release, articles for magazines and ezines, or use it in your annual report. Send it in emails and link to it on your site. Publish it in local papers and church bulletins. Use them to send with fund raising letters as an insert.
Hand them out at meetings and gatherings. Provide them to volunteers and recruiters. The options are only limited by your imagination. What a great cornerstone to a marketing campaign! Solutions’ marketing is a big buzz word right now in the business sector and with cause. Every business –no matter how big or small – needs to convey the solutions they provide. Your organization is no different. The organizations you deal with have boards. These boards are seated by business people from every sector. As business professionals they recognize, relate to, and are heavily impacted by well written customer success stories in their businesses - and will be by yours too.Now get to work on that great case study!James E. Harris is a professional copywriter specializing in solutions marketing through case studies. He has 15 years business experience and has sat on non-profit boards including city and county economic development boards.
Whether you are a for-profit or not-for-profit business, you can gain measurable results from your marketing and advertising dollars by contacting James now. Visit to schedule a free review. Inquire about James' pro bono policy. 10% of all proceeds are used to fund projects at -empowering third world entreprenuers with economic freedom.

Direct Link Directory -totally free one way links!!!!

It is thought that more than 7000 languages are spoken worldwide; some countries with an extraordinary rich language and cultural heritage like India are in possession of a very wide array of languages and dialects, in some cases spoken and used by minority tribes or ethnic groups.
This huge worldwide “language salad pot” makes the different countries special and interesting. The different languages help people think differently. A different language background brings a unique approach to the same problem, because the language is a main thinking tool humans have.But as the globalization is taking place in every corner of the world, there is a big risk some of the languages may disappear. It could be said that when a language disappears a way of thinking disappears, a solution may disappear.While doing business or trading worldwide, professional translators are needed to “bridge” the different counterparts.
Suppose an export company in Japan wants to do business in Spain. It would be very advisable to have their sales people learn Spanish, but that is a long and tedious job when the languages are so different. That is hiring a good professional translator would be a wise decision. The translator will understand the cultural background of both languages and will be able to decode the small details (nuance) behind every word. The translator will facilitate the business relation and avoid misunderstandings.Of course the dealings could be carried out in English, but both sides will feel more comfortable when the communication happens on their own mother language.
To speak to someone in his/her mother language is a sign of quality and deference that will be highly appreciated by the listener in most cases. It is always pleasant to listen again the nice sweet language and words, we once heard from our mothers while being held on their arms. There are many examples of business failure due to lack of communication. Hiring of a professional translator is not a cost (or expenditure) but a good investment and a way to success.
Business people that fail to see this, have little future in the international arena, especially in those countries and regions where English is not widely used.We know from experience that most ethnic groups, (minority or not) like to speak their own language. Why not please them, if that is in everybody's benefit? Not doing that, would mean loosing a good chunk of the market pie, because good business people are aware of this fact and applying already this very persuasive technique of using the counterpart's language to “conquer their heart and soul”.
Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc) have already started selling their products in small European countries and regions using this simple but efficient language localization tactic. “Think globally, but act locally” is the catch phrase that could be applied here.It is known that countries in the far East (Japan, China, South Korea, etc.) are penetrating their products and services successfully in European countries with very strong cultural and language identity like the Scandinavian countries, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, etc. First start by “feeling” the market and translating your product catalogue into the local language (target market), besides this same translation can be reused on websites to make it accessible from every corner of the world.
Those translations should always be proof-read by professional translators. Modern translation software is OK to cut down on costs but has proofed not to be very precise, especially when the languages are wide apart in their grammatical structure or cultural background.As someone said “When dawn breaks in Africa, it is not so important to be a small lizard or a strong lion, but to be already running to catch the food (share of the market) to survive in this tough world”.

litigation the process of mediation

As an alternative to litigation the process of mediation can help parties in a lawsuit evaluate the issues and come to a settlement. This can be an efficient process to help resolve disputes. The key component of mediation is that if an agreement is reached, the terms of agreement are determined by the parties themselves rather than being imposed by a third party.
A neutral mediator assists the parties in reaching a voluntary, negotiated agreement. Mediators use a variety of techniques and/or skills to open and/or improve dialogue between the disputants, with the purpose of reaching an agreement regarding the disputed matter. By participating in this process, the parties do not agree that they will actually settle the dispute and the mediator does not have the authority to impose such a settlement. The mediation process may be terminated at any time without cause by either party.
Another advantage of mediation is confidentiality. With very few exceptions, what is said during mediation cannot legally be revealed outside the mediation proceedings or used later in a court of law. By contrast, one of the drawbacks of going to court is that, by and large, everything said or submitted in connection with a lawsuit becomes available to the public. The use of mediation has increased as a means to resolving many types of claims and during the past several years this process has become one of the most widely used methods of arriving at a reasonable compromise settlement.
This process may be especially beneficial in cases which are expensive and difficult to litigate to a jury verdict. When approached effectively, it ends the claim or litigation without any further costs to the client. If it fails, the parties proceed through the regular procedures of litigation and jury trial without any penalties.

Get easy with Washington life settlement

Life insurance as an industry has come a long way and has evolved a lot since its conception. It has definitely affected the lives of several elderly people who are always in a dearth of cash or are always looking for a respite from creditors they are accountable to. One such financial remedy that could lend a helping hand is Washington life settlement. With this one can regain his or her long lost smile as it offers immediate cash against insurance policy of the holder. Washington life settlement is a viable as well as a reliable option for senior citizens who are in a need of urgent cash. With the help of Washington life settlement, one can exchange his or her insurance policy for immediate cash. It is actually a sale of an existing life insurance policy for a lump sum of money. Washington life settlement allows various policyholders to access the actual market value of their policies by selling them and receiving payments that are greater than the cash surrender value.
It technically allows the policyholders to sell their life insurance policies to third venture parties in exchange of more amount of the face value. As we all aware of the fact that an life insurance policy is equal to an automobile, property, house, stocks, bonds and other related products that can be sold legitimately.
Washington life settlement essentially allows you get maximum value today on an asset that is generally thought to only have a benefit when you die. In fact, Washington life settlement transactions involve life insurance policies of a large face amount; key-person coverage and corporate-owned life insurance policies. In addition, it represents excess coverage that is no longer needed by the policyholder.
How does it work? This is a general question asked by the policyholder, well when a Washington life settlement buys your life insurance policy, it pays you some amount of percentage of the policy’s actual value. In turn, Washington life settlement becomes a beneficiary of the policy at its maturation.
In fact, it is its responsibility to pay all the future premiums and collects the amount at the time of policyholder’s death. Washington life settlement is eligible for people who are above 65 years of age and do not suffer from any of the life threatening or terminal disease. And who generally have an estimated life expectancy of 12 years or less.
In addition, Washington life settlement allows various types of insurance policies that can be used in a life settlement solution, such as universal, survivorship, term, whole life and variable life insurance policies. Well, one can utilize his or her life insurance policy for charitable use. For this, all you have to do is to donate your Washington life settlement insurance policy to various organizations which will in return sell it in the market at a higher price. This actually helps in eliminating premium payments, as well as accommodates the needs of your dependents and provides greater financial flexibility. Hence, with the assistance of Washington life settlement one can live in peace, as well as proudly.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

( kumari devi ) living goddess in nepal

Kumari, or Kumari Devi is a living goddess in Nepal. Kumari literally means
virgin in Nepali and was the name of the goddess Durga as a child. [1] A Kumari
is a prepubescent girl selected from the Shakya caste of the Nepalese Newari
community. The Kumari is revered and worshipped by some of the country's Hindus
as well as the Nepali Buddhists, though not the Tibetan Buddhists.

While there are several Kumaris throughout Nepal, with some cities having
several, the best known is the Royal Kumari of Kathmandu, and she lives in the
Kumari Ghar, a palace in the center of the city. The selection process for her
is especially rigorous. The current Royal Kumari, Preeti Shakya, was installed
on July 10, 2001 at the age of four.

A Kumari is believed to be the bodily incarnation of the goddess Taleju until
she menstruates, after which it is believed that the goddess vacates her body.
Serious illness or a major loss of blood from an injury are also causes for her
to revert to common status.

Not only does Nepal have many gods, goddess, deities, Bodhisattvas (near Buddhas),
avatars and manifestations, which are worshipped and revered as statues, images,
paintings and symbols, but it also has a real living goddess. The Kumari Devi is
a young girl who lives in the building known as the Kumari Ghar, right beside
Kathmandu's Durbar Square.

From time immemorial the practice of worshipping an ordinary pre-pubescent girl
as a source of supreme power has been an integral

part of both Hinduism and Buddhism, a tradition which continues even to this day
virtually in every household. They call this girl Kumari Devi and worship her on
all the religious occasions.

The predominance of the Kumari cult is more distinctly evident among the Newar
community inside the Kathmandu Valley as she has become an inevitable feature of
their worship almost in every Vihar and Bahal and including the nooks and
corners of Newari settlements. However, it was the Vajrayana sect of Mahayana
Buddhism that was responsible for establishing the tradition of worshipping a
girl from the Sakya community as the royal Living Goddess.

The selection of the Living Goddess is a highly elaborate tantric ritual. Upon
passing the preliminary test, this is merely concerned with their 32 attributes
of perfection, including the colour of her eyes, the shape of her teeth and the
sound of her voice. Her horoscope must also be appropriate. The 4 to 7 year poor
girls from the Sakya community are made to confront a goddess in the darkened
room. The sight of the Buffalo heads scattered around, the demon- like masked
dancers, the terrifying noises theyencounter scare some of these innocent
babies. The real goddess is unlikely to be frightened, so the one who is calm
and collected throughout the tests is the only girl who is entitled to sit on
the pedestal for worship as the Living Goddess. Then as a final test similar to
that of the Dalai Lama, the Kumari then chooses items of clothing and decoration
worn by her predecessor.

The god-house Kumari Ghar is a store-house of magnificent intricate carvings
where the Living Goddess performs her daily rituals. During her tenure in the
god-house, Guthi Sansthan, the government trust fund bears her entire expenses
including that of her caretakers. Under normal circumstances, her days in the
god-house come to an end with her first menstruation, but if she turns out to be
unlucky, as they say, even a minor scratch on her body that bleeds can make her
invalid for worship. She then changes back to the status of normal mortal and
the search of a new Kumari begins. It is said to be unlucky to marry an ex-Kumari.

On Indra Jatra, in September, the Living Goddess in all her jeweled splendor
travels through the older part of Kathmandu city in a three tiered chariot
accompanied by Ganesh and Bhairab each day for three days. It is really a grand
gala in which people in their thousands throng in and around the Kathmandu
Durbar Square to pay their homage to the Living Goddess. During this festival
she also blesses the King in keeping with the tradition in which the first king
of the Shah dynasty, who annexed Kathmandu in 1768, received a blessing from the
Living Goddess.


Whilst the veneration of a living Kumari in Nepal is relatively recent,
dating only from the 17th century, the tradition of Kumari-Puja, or virgin
worship, has been around for much longer. There is evidence of virgin worship
taking place in India for more than 2,600 years. It appears to have taken hold
in Nepal in the 6th century. There is written evidence describing the selection,
ornamentation and worship of the Kumari dating from the 13th century.

There are several legends circulating about how the current cult of the Kumari
began. Most of the legends, however, lead back to King Jayaprakash Malla, the
last Nepalese king of the Malla Dynasty (12th-17th century CE). According to the
most popular legend, a red serpent approached the King's chambers late one night
as he played tripasa, a dice game, with the goddess Taleju. The King began to
admire the surpassing beauty of Taleju, the patroness of his royal lineage,
realizing that her beauty surpassed that of his own wife.

His amorous thoughts, however, were read by the goddess. Standing abruptly,
Taleju rebuked the king for his lustful thoughts and declared that if he was
ever to see her again, it would be in the form of a young girl from a shakya
caste. Hoping to make amends with his patroness, the King left the palace in
search of the young girl who was possessed by Taleju's spirit.

Even today, a mother's dream of a red serpent is believed to portend the
elevation of her daughter to the position of Royal Kumari. And each year, the
Nepalese King seeks the blessing of the Royal Kumari at the festival of Indra

A variation of this and other legends names King Gunkam Dev, a 12th century
ancestor of King Jayaprakash Malla as the main character rather than Jayaprakash

Another legend of the origins of the cult of the Kumari is more disturbing.
According to this legend, King Jayaprakash Malla had intercourse with a
pre-pubescent girl who later died as a result. The King, overcome with guilt,
began having dreams that told him that he must begin to search for each young
incarnation of Taleju. To make penance for his actions, he must then worship the
Kumari and ask for her blessing each year.

A third variation of the legend says that during the reign of King Jayaprakash
Malla, a young girl was banished from the city because it was feared that she
was possessed by the goddess Durga. When the Queen learned of the young girl's
fate, she became enraged and insisted that the King fetch the girl and install
her as the living incarnation of Durga.

Selection process

Once Taleju has left the sitting Kumari, there is a frenzy of activity to
find her successor. Some have compared the selection process to the process used
in nearby Tibet to find the reincarnations of Tulkus, such as the Dalai Lama or
the Panchen Lama. The selection process is conducted by five senior Buddhist
Vajracharya priests, the Panch Buddha, the Bada Guruju or Chief Royal Priest,
Achajau the priest of Taleju and the royal astrologer . The King and other
religious leaders that might know of eligible candidates are also informed that
a search is underway.

Eligible girls are Buddhists from the Newar Shakya caste of silver and
goldsmiths. She must be in excellent health, never have shed blood or been
afflicted by any diseases, be without blemish and must not have yet lost any
teeth. Girls who pass these basic eligibility requirements are examined for the
battis lakshanas, or 'thirty-two perfections' of a goddess. Some of these are
poetically listed as such:

A neck like a conch shell

A body like a banyan tree

Eyelashes like a cow

Thighs like a deer

Chest like a lion

Voice soft and clear as a duck's

In addition to this, her hair and eyes should be very black, she should have
dainty hands and feet, small and well-recessed sexual organs and a set of twenty

The girl is also observed for signs of serenity and fearlessness (after all, she
is to be the vessel of the fierce goddess Durga) and her horoscope is examined
to ensure that it is complementary to the King's. It is important that there not
be any conflicts as she must confirm the King's legitimacy each year of her
divinity. Her family is also scrutinized to ensure its piety and devotion to the

Once the priests have chosen a candidate, she must undergo yet more rigorous
tests to ensure that she indeed possesses the qualities necessary to be the
living vessel of Durga. Her greatest test comes during the Hindu festival of
Dashain. On the kalratri, or 'black night', 108 buffaloes and goats are
sacrificed to the goddess Kali. The young candidate is taken into the Taleju
temple and released into the courtyard, where the severed heads of the animals
are illuminated by candlelight and masked men are dancing about. If the
candidate truly possesses the qualities of Taleju, she shows no fear during this
experience. If she does, another candidate is brought in to attempt the same

There are claims contrary to the commonly-believed ritual and screening process,
however. The ex-Royal Kumari, in her autobiography "From Goddess to Mortal"
(2005), states that this has nothing to do with the selection process, but
rather is a ritual the Royal Kumari goes through each year, there are no men
dancing around in masks trying to scare her, there are many less heads than
claimed, perhaps a dozen or so. She also discusses in the book how the physical
examination (discussed in the preceding paragraph) is not very intimate or

The fearless candidate has proven that she has the serenity and the fearlessness
that typifies the goddess who is to inhabit her. Only a small test remains. She
must be able to pick out the personal effects of the previous Kumari from an
assortment of things laid out before. If she is able to do so, there is no
remaining doubt that she is the chosen one.

Once the Kumari is chosen, she must be purified so that she can be an
unblemished vessel for Taleju. She is taken by the priests to undergo a number
of secret Tantric rituals to cleanse her body and spirit of her past
experiences. Once these rituals are completed, Taleju enters her and she is
presented as the new Kumari. She is dressed and made up as a Kumari and then
leaves the Taleju temple and walks across the square on a white cloth to the
Kumari Ghar that will be her home for the duration of her divinity.

Life of the Royal Kumari

Once the chosen girl completes the Tantric purification rites and crosses from
the temple on a white cloth to the Kumari Ghar to assume her throne, her life
takes on an entirely new character. She will leave her palace only on ceremonial
occasions. Her family will visit her rarely, and then only in a formal capacity.
Her playmates will be drawn from a narrow pool of Newari children from her
caste, usually the children of her caretakers. She will always be dressed in
red, wear her hair in a topknot and have the agni chakchuu or ‘fire eye’ painted
on her forehead as a symbol of her special powers of perception.

The Royal Kumari's new life is vastly different from the one to which she has
been accustomed in her short life. Whilst her life is now free of material
troubles, she has ceremonial duties to carry out. Although she is not ordered
about, she is expected to behave as befits a goddess. She has shown the correct
qualities during the selection process and her continued serenity is of
paramount importance; an ill-tempered goddess is believed to portend bad tidings
for those petitioning her.

The Kumari's walk across the Durbar Square is the last time her feet will touch
the ground until such time as the goddess departs from her body. From now on,
when she ventures outside of her palace, she will be carried or transported in
her golden palanquin. Her feet, like all of her, are now sacred. Petitioners
will touch them, hoping to receive respite from troubles and illnesses. The King
himself will kiss them each year when he comes to seek her blessing. She will
never wear shoes; if her feet are covered at all, they will be covered with red

The power of the Kumari is perceived to be so strong that even a glimpse of her
is believed to bring good fortune. Crowds of people wait below the Kumari's
window in the Kumari Chowk, or courtyard, of her palace, hoping that she will
pass by the latticed windows on the third floor and glance down at them. Even
though her irregular appearances last only a few seconds, the atmosphere in the
courtyard is charged with devotion and awe when they do occur.

The more fortunate, or better connected, petitioners visit the Kumari in her
chambers where she sits upon a gilded lion throne. Many of those visiting her
are people suffering from blood or menstrual disorders since the Kumari is
believed to have special power over such illnesses. She is also visited by
bureaucrats and other government officials. Petitioners customarily bring gifts
and food offerings to the Kumari, who receives them in silence. Upon arrival,
she offers them her feet to touch or kiss as an act of devotion. During these
audiences, the Kumari is closely watched. Here is how some of her actions are

Crying or loud laughter: Serious illness or death

Weeping or rubbing eyes: Imminent death

Trembling: Imprisonment

Hand clapping: Reason to fear the King

Picking at food offerings: Financial losses

If the Kumari remains silent and impassive throughout the audience, her devotees
leave elated. This is the sign that their wishes have been granted.

Many people attend to the Kumari's needs. These people are known as the Kumarimi
and are headed by the Chitaidar (patron). Their job is very difficult. They must
attend to the Kumari's every need and desire whilst giving her instruction in
her ceremonial duties. Whilst they cannot directly order her to do anything,
they must guide her through her life. They are responsible for bathing her,
dressing her and attending to her makeup as well as preparing her for her
visitors and for ceremonial occasions.

Traditionally, the Kumari received no education as she was widely considered to
be omniscient. However, modernization has made it necessary for her to have an
education once she re-enters mortal life. Kumaris are now allowed to attend
public schools, and have a life inside the classroom that is no different from
that of other students. While many kumaris, such as the Kumari of Bhaktapur,
attend school, others, such as the main kumari in Kathmandu, receive their
education through private tutors.

Similarly, her limited playmates must learn to respect her. Since her every wish
must be granted, they must learn to surrender to her whatever they have that she
may want and to defer to her wishes in what games to play or activities to
engage in.

Former Kumaris

The end of a Kumari's divinity is abrupt and totally unplanned. As soon as she
menstruates, Durga 'vacates her body' and she reverts to being a mere mortal.
Once a new Kumari has been selected, the former Kumari undergoes a number of
rituals that formally divest her of her status. Over four days, the symbols of
her divinity are taken away from her. Once this 'unfolding of the plait' is
complete, she is left with but a gold coin and a piece of the regal red fabric
in which she has been clothed during her years as Kumari.

Former Kumaris receive a pension from the state of 6000 rupees per month ($80).
This is around twice the official minimum wage and around four times the average
income in this poverty-stricken country. They often continue to be called Kumari
rather than by the names given to them at birth. Although they are once again
part of the ordinary world, they are often unable to fully shake off the
mystique associated with having been a Kumari and often have trouble adjusting
to 'normal' life.

Popular superstition says that a man who marries a Kumari is doomed to die
within six months by coughing up blood. In reality, however, it seems that most
Kumaris do not have trouble eventually finding husbands. All of the living
former Kumaris with exception of the youngest ones have married.

Monday, September 17, 2007

One Laptop per Child

One Laptop per ChildThe latest prototype of the device, named the XO-1

The XO-1, previously known as the $100 Laptop or Children's Machine, is an
inexpensive laptop computer intended to be distributed to children around the
world, especially to those in developing countries, to provide them with access
to knowledge. The laptop is developed by the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) social
welfare organization. OLPC is a U.S. based, non-profit organization, 501(c)(4)
created by faculty members of the MIT Media Lab to design, manufacture, and
distribute the laptop and its software.

These rugged, low-power computers contain flash memory instead of a hard drive
and use Linux as their operating system.[1] Mobile ad-hoc networking is used to
allow many machines Internet access from one connection.

The laptops can be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a
basis of one laptop per child. Pricing is currently set to start at US$188 and
the goal is to reach the US$100 mark in 2008. Approximately 500 developer boards
(Alpha-1) were distributed in summer 2006; 875 working prototypes (Beta 1) were
delivered in late 2006; 2400 Beta-2 machines were distributed at the end of
February 2007; full-scale production is expected to start in mid-2007.[2] Quanta
Computer, the project's contract manufacturer, said in February 2007 that it had
confirmed orders for one million units. They indicated they could ship 5 million
to 10 million units this year because seven nations have committed to buy the
XO-1 for their schoolchildren, including Argentina, Brazil, Libya, Nigeria,
Rwanda, Thailand and Uruguay.[3]

The OLPC project has stated that a consumer version of the XO laptop is not
planned.[4] However, Quanta will be offering machines very similar to the XO
machine on the open market.[5] Emerging competitors in the category include the

One Laptop per Child associationThe One Laptop per Child
association (OLPC) is a Delaware, USA based, non-profit organization set up to
oversee The Children's Machine project and the construction of the XO-1 "$100
laptop". Both the project and the organization were announced at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 2005.

OLPC is funded by a number of sponsor organizations, including AMD, Brightstar
Corporation, eBay, Google, Marvell, News Corporation, SES, Nortel Networks, Red
Hat, and most recently Intel[6]. Each company has donated two million

The organization is chaired by Nicholas Negroponte and its CTO is Mary Lou
Jepsen. Other principals of the company include former MIT Media Lab director
Walter Bender, who is President of OLPC Software and Content, and Jim Gettys,
Vice-President of Software Engineering


OLPC is based on constructionist learning theories pioneered by Seymour
Papert, Alan Kay, and also on the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte’s
book Being Digital.[9] The founding corporate members are Google, News Corp,
AMD, Red Hat, Brightstar and Nortel, each of whom donated two million dollars to
the project. All three individuals and six companies are active participants in

The organization gained much attention when Nicholas Negroponte and Kofi Annan
unveiled a working prototype of the CM1 on November 16, 2005 at the World Summit
on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, Tunisia. Negroponte showed two
prototypes of the laptop at the second phase of the World Summit: a non working
physical model and a tethered version using an external board and separate
keyboard. The device shown was a rough prototype using a standard development
board. Negroponte estimated that the screen alone required three more months of
development. The first working prototype was demonstrated at the project's
Country Task Force Meeting on May 23, 2006. The production version is expected
to have a larger display screen in the same size package. The laptops were
scheduled to be available by early 2007.

Production prototype (4th generation) - functional surveyAt the 2006 World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
announced it would back the laptop. UNDP released a statement saying they would
work with OLPC to deliver “technology and resources to targeted schools in the
least developed countries”.[10]

The OLPC board of directors announced on December 13, 2005 that Quanta Computers
had been chosen as the original design manufacturer (ODM) for the $100 laptop
project. The decision was made after the board reviewed bids from several
possible manufacturing companies. The company emphasized that there was a lot of
work that remains to be done: “We still need to put a large amount of research
and development into this, and will then hopefully be ready to make a finished
product in the second half of next year 2006”, according to Quanta. Over the
next six months, a team at Quanta Research Institute is going to be focusing on
the $100 laptop.[11]

The project originally aimed for a price of 100 United States dollars. In May
2006, Negroponte told the Red Hat's annual user summit: “It is a floating price.
We are a nonprofit organization. We have a target of $100 by 2008, but probably
it will be $135, maybe $140. That is a start price, but what we have to do is
with every release make it cheaper and cheaper— we are promising that the price
will go down

Mary Lou Jepsen, Alan Kay and Nicholas Negroponte unveil the $100 laptop
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, with a prototype.

What Is Blog

What Is Blog

Blog" is an abbreviation of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites
that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog is a frequently
updated, personal website featuring diary-type commentary and links to articles
or other Web sites. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can
focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.Many blogs focus on a
particular topic, such as web design, politics, sports, or mobile technology.
Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all manner of other sites.

And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author's daily life
and thoughts. InformationA blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a
person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide
site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are
people.People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend
gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most
notably Blogger at Thousands of people use services such as Blogger
to simplify and accelerate the publishing process.Blogs are alternatively called
web logs or weblogs. However, "blog" seems less likely to cause confusion, as
"web log" can also mean a server's log files.

Make Money Online

There are several ways on how to make money online.There are those that
requires you to have a website and thereare those that doesn't require you to
have one at all.Nowdays, the most popular way of making money is thru blogging.
Not everyone can host their own .coms, .nets or what have youbut due to its
popularity, blogging has become the number one source of makingmoney on the web.
Now, everyone can sign up for their own free blogs or ifyou can afford like most
SEOs, you can have "" orwhatever you like for as long as the
domain name is not taken yet.From that website or blog you can start making
money by displaying pay-per-click, referrals, or pay-per-lead ads thru affiliate
programs.Another way which is the most popular of all would be
incorporatingadsense into your blogs or websites.

How to Remove Account Hold (Verify form of payment)

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What to do After Approved

Congratulation if your account has been approve.

After Getting approval you login to your AdSense account using with your same
email id which you have submit while signup, and password.

For the First time google ask you to accept rules and regulation just like this

After I accept can see your adsense page in this page you can see your whole
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my account its look like this.

you have done

Learn How to Create Your Site

New Page 2

step 1. Go to
to create your site




Step 2. Click on the arrow labeled "Create Your Blog Now". “acceptance
of terms” of service agreement.



Step 3. Then Continue Signup Process. The screen will ask you to
choose a user name and password.




In User name type you email id (email should be valid for
verification) and also needed again for future visits to your blog, in
password type your desire password and make note of it! You will also asked
for a display name – name used when signing your blog posts. You also need to
enter an email address and to read and check the “acceptance of terms” of
service agreement.



Step 4. Hit continue and move on to Name Your Blog. Choose a good name
for your Blog, one that people will understand and reflects the topic of your
blog. You then choose the beginning part of your blog address – again make
sure it makes sense with your blog theme/topic. There will be a scrabbled word
for your to “uncode” and type in. This is just to verify you aren’t a spammer!
There is a choice for Advanced settings.





Step 5. After hitting the continue arrow again, the next page helps
you choose your design, style template. Choose the custom look (which you can
always change latter) and hit continue. !




Step 6. Comgratularion! You have now created a blog! But you want to
make it unquie? Personalize to work for you? Well these next steps help you
create your personal profile and customize your blog. Click on Start Posting
arrow. Now you are in the area where you have many tabs and options. Try
posting a message to test it out and view your first blog's.



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