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Friday, March 27, 2009


User-Agent: *Disallow: /
User-Agent: Mediapartners-GoogleAllow: /search/label/BUSINESSAllow: /search/label/TOOLSAllow: /2009/02/microsoft-to-find-who-is-behind.htmlAllow: /search/label/TECHNOLOGYAllow: /search/label/Obama2008Allow: /2009/01/protecting-pc-data.htmlAllow: /2009/03/sony-ps3.htmlAllow: /search/label/BLOGAllow: /2009/01/silicon-valley-welcomes-obama.htmlAllow: /feeds/posts/defaultAllow: /2009/01/windows-worm-three-million-hit.htmlAllow: /2009/03/highest-cpc-cost-per-click-keywords-on.htmlAllow: /2009/02/test-your-speed-of-web-with-stopwatch.htmlAllow: /2009/01/hard-drive-destruction-crucial.htmlAllow: /search/label/SOFTWAREAllow: /search/label/ADVERTISEMENTAllow: /search/label/KeywordsAllow: /search/label/TIPS%20AND%20TRICKSAllow: /2009/03/advice-for-small-business.htmlAllow: /2009/02/broadband-in-every-home-by-2012.htmlAllow: /search/label/COMPUTERDisallow: /

Pageview tracking

Today I got mail from google group and I found this toppic Pageview tracking back to normal(Inside Adsense).

If you're displaying multiple ad units on your pages, you may have noticed that your pageviews were higher than normal for part of yesterday and today. Our engineers identified a bug which prevented ad units from detecting other units on the same page. As a result, our system logged a pageview for each ad unit that was loaded on a page, instead of a pageview for each page containing ads. In some cases, this also may have caused specific ads to appear in multiple ad units on the same page.

Please be assured that ad unit impressions were still logged correctly and ads were still displayed on your pages, so you were properly credited for all earnings generated from your ads. We've resolved the issue, and although you won't see the pageview count in your reports retroactively changed, your pageview tracking is now back to normal.

open tips of web and link

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sony PS3

The Sony PS3 is a stylish gaming console which is enhanced with several user friendly features. One can enjoy excellent multimedia features and feature rich interactive games with the help of this gizmo. This gaming widget weighs very less and has a dimension of 12.8 10.89 x 3.86 inches. This gaming gizmo is available in two unique versions. One version comes with 60 GB of hard disk space, slots for CompactFlash and a memory stick while the other version is adorned with WiFi capability, slots for media card and 20 GB of memory space. An innovation feature is also incorporated in this widget which is known as Blu-ray disk which would permit the users to enjoy high end games and movie clips too. With the help of new multimedia features, the users can comfortably surf the internet whenever they want. One can also enjoy its ultimate features like text and video messaging, multiple player games and voice chatting too. The gamers can confidently opt for this gaming system to satisfy their passion for new and exciting games.

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promoting products on your blog."

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Highest CPC (Cost Per Click) Keywords On Technology

Targeting the high paying keywords mean more PPC (Pay Per Click) income for website or domain owner.

Max. Bid Ads Clicks Keyword(s)
$37.42 5-10 <1 internet technology marketing
$30.10 10-10 <1 audio technology course
$28.51 20-30 <1 technology sales training denver
$27.79 10-20 <1 audio speaker technology
$27.67 10-20 <1 video conference technology
$24.28 1-5 <1 hot melt technology
$22.99 30-40 <1 call center crm cti software technology
$22.50 20-30 <1 business career degree online technology technology
$21.64 10-20 <1 bachelor degree automotive technology
$20.70 10-20 <1 education software technology
$20.50 1-5 <1 riverbed technology
$19.47 1-5 <1 elderly in new technology workplace
$19.36 5-10 <1 information technology in managed care
$18.80 10-20 <1 westwood college of technology
$18.68 20-30 <1 mechanical engineering technology online degree
$18.36 1-5 <1 guidant technology
$17.75 10-20 <1 technology pr firms
$17.07 0-1 <1 multipoint technology
$17.04 30-40 <1 distance learning technology
$16.88 10-20 <1 communication latest technology wireless
$16.61 5-10 <1 technology asset protection association
$16.03 30-30 <1 distance learning information technology
$15.77 10-20 30-40 international academy of design and technology
$15.39 10-10 <1 primera technology
$15.19 10-20 <1 online information technology degrees
$14.91 10-20 1-5 asset technology management
$14.31 20-30 <1 plastic welding technology
$14.13 30-40 <1 management of technology executive master degree
$14.00 80-90 <1 information technology degrees online
$13.90 10-20 <1 single sign on technology

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Advice For Small Business

A good place to start is the top ten safety tips link on the front page of the website which takes you to a 10-minute guide for beginners. I really like that they have separated the guide into PC, MAC and Linux, as the three operating systems are quite different and deserve to be handled in different ways. tackles this thorny issue in a really palatable style without mess, fuss, or drama. It gives you straight-forward advice and tips about keeping your PC out of the hands of thieves and fraudsters. is advice for small business,write plan,control access to critical information,find advice and support and many more..


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